Crystal Pyramid

Photo Tutorial Crystal Pyramid v1.0

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Author's Note:
I am delighted to announce that all of my previously paid tutorials are now available to the chainmailling community for free. I am so grateful for your support during my designing journey. Thank you! Thank you also to for providing an accessible and permanent home for them. Don't forget to check out my YouTube channel for more tutorials too. Happy Mailling! - Lisa Ellis

Crystal Pyramid

crystal pyramid.jpg
This tutorial contains a PDF file to teach you how to make rigid pyramid sculptures which can hold crystals within the weave. Instructions are also given for two sizes of pyramids that do not hold crystals.

This project is based on the weave Japanese Dragonscale, invented by user name Luther Pendragon, and documented in the Maille Artisans International League database. You do not need to know how to weave Japanese Dragonscale to be successful with this tutorial, as I include step by step instructions for the entire process.

This project is extremely sensitive to the materials that are used. I have designed this project using bright aluminum rings from Metal Designz. It is unlikely that other metals, or rings from other suppliers, will work. This project requires strong ring handling skills. By necessity, the rings are tight! This tightness ensures your pyramid will retain its rigid form. The rings are also thick in gauge, the largest rings being 14swg bright aluminum, so a little hand strength is also required.

It has taken me many long months to find the ring/crystal formula to make this project work. I am so happy to have finally succeeded! I think you will enjoy this project as much as I do. Happy Mailling!

Sample Pages

cp_sample1.png cp_sample2.png cp_sample3.png
Lisa Ellis
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Last update
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