Celtic Roundmaille

Celtic Roundmaille chain page
Quad Turkish Round


New Member
New Member
I am looking for a tutorial for this weave. Any information is much appreciated.


Staff member
I don't know of any offhand for this specific weave, but you could always try one for Turkish Round and make it 4 sided. Maybe these will help as well ;) (Please note, these are rough drafts, there are collisions, but they should get the point across)

Red rings are new, except for step 4 and 8 where you are just folding them back.

  1. Step 1.jpg
  2. Step 2.jpg
  3. Step 3.jpg
  4. Step 4.jpg
  5. Step 5.jpg
  6. Step 6.jpg
  7. Step 7.jpg
  8. Step 8.jpg
  9. Go back to step 1


New Member
New Member
hiya! id like to try this but am struggling with getting the first round put in place. does anyone have any tips or anchoring it in place


Staff member
hiya! id like to try this but am struggling with getting the first round put in place. does anyone have any tips or anchoring it in place
You could also try starting it vertically. You just have to stabilize the stainless rings that are flat to the "table". These weaves don't truly "stabilize" until they've been extended a bit.

Step 1 - Make a 1-2 chain 4 cells long.
New Step 1.jpg
Step 2 - Make the chain into a 1-2 Loop Unit (connect the end of the chain to the beginning
New Step 2.jpg
Step 3 - tape down the flat stainless rings so they don't move from the work surface.
New Step 3.jpg
Step 4
New Step 4.jpg
then go back to step 5 above.

hope that helps :D