Bipolar Bees, Bipolar Beestings, and Barbed Celtic

Photo Tutorial Bipolar Bees, Bipolar Beestings, and Barbed Celtic

This tutorial demonstrates how to make three similar chain weaves: Bipolar Bees (, Bipolar Beestings (, and Barbed Celtic (aka Barbed Helm) (

Ring sizes (same wire diameter for both):
Small ring: 4.2 AR used (recommended: 4.2 - 4.7)
Large ring: 6.5 AR used (recommended: Large enough inner diameter to allow clearance between cells. Consider a larger wire diameter for this ring, which would bring its AR down at the same ID.)

Using 4.2 for the smaller rings in Bipolar Bees causes an AR-lock that forms a lean row with the large rings. Increase to at least 4.7 to alleviate this, if you prefer.

The rings in this tutorial will be referred to as cyan, orange, and white, with the 6.5 AR rings being called large.

Method One:

1. Start with two cyan rings connected to one large ring.
-Top will be Bipolar Bees
-Middle will be Bipolar Beestings
-Bottom will be Barbed Celtic

2. Connect two orange rings to the large ring. With Bipolar Beestings (middle), and Barbed Celtic (bottom), be sure to also connect these rings to the cyan rings according to the image shown. Note that in Bipolar Beestings, the twist direction of the sets is mirrored, but with Barbed Celtic, it is the same (layered).

3. Add one small white ring to two orange, and two cyan rings. This ring will pull the "knot" into position. The Bipolar Bees might try to bind up on itself without the corresponding ring added to the back, so be mindful of this.

4. Add one small white ring to the opposite side of the chain. It follows the same path as the one added in step 3: through two orange, and two cyan rings.

5. Add one large ring making sure to pass through two orange, and two cyan rings. This ring sandwiches itself between the two small white rings.

Now simply repeat these steps to continue the chain, or try method two.

Method Two:

6. Add two cyan rings to a large ring.

7. Add two small white rings to the cyan rings.

8. Slide the white rings back until they "Parallel Grain" themselves above and below the large ring. No rings are added in this step.

9. Add an orange ring. In Bipolar Bees, it passes through the small white rings, and the large ring. In Bipolar Beestings, and Barbed Celtic, it will also pass through the upper cyan ring. Make sure to oblique it correctly. Since this is being added to an existing chain, you can just refer to the last cell for proper orientation.

10. Add the second orange ring. Remember to mirror the twist direction with Bipolar Beestings, while maintaining it with Barbed Celtic.

11. Add one large ring to the four coloured rings, being sure not to pass through any white ones, to close off the segment.

Repeat whichever method you feel more comfortable using to extend the chains.

M.A.I.L. entries:
Bipolar Bees: (gallery entry as "Buzz", weave entry ( alternates cell direction)
Bipolar Beestings:
Barbed Helm (aka Barbed Celtic):
First release
Last update
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