Dilation Transformations

Cellular Chainmaille Theory Dilation Transformations

What is a Dilation?

Regular vs Dilated.jpg Dilation is a concept that is probably familiar to many chainmaillers, but I don't believe that it's ever been qualified as a term before. In short, a dilation is a transformation where the two rings in a root cell are different sizes. In some cases, this change in size merely results in a more stable form. In other cases, it can create a completely different weave structure through missed or extra connections. Dilations are, among other things, responsible for (as categorized on chainmailbasket.com and here) "Inner/Outer" weaves.​

Cellular Connections With Dilated Cells

Dilated cells work the same as any other cells, with cellular connections. There is no difference in direct or inversion cellular connections whether made with dilated cells or their non dilated counterparts. There is however, a major difference when dealing with inversion locks. (More information on cellular connections can be found in our first CCT article.)​

Inversion Lock

With dilated cells, when using an inversion lock, the ring being inverted is too small to maintain a connection with the base ring of the root cell, essentially breaking the cell.
Inversion Lock Comparison.jpg
This is not as big of a problem as it seems as a root cell does not exist in a vacuum. With the first translation, we reach the first step towards full stabilization.
Inversion Lock.jpg
We're not quite there yet though as while we now have two complete cells, there is no connection between them. Without further stabilization, they will fall apart.
Inversion Lock 1st Translation.jpg
While still not completely stable, with a second translation we reach a point where our cross chain form will no longer separate. (For complete stability, the chain would need to be terminated.)
Inversion Lock 2nd Translation.jpg

Inner/Outer Weaves

Persian cross grain, 3/4 grain, and tube chains are probably the best examples of dilation transformations as research has shown that they can all be dilated (and in many cases already have been.) A special thanks goes out to @_CMB_ (Daveward Plierhands) of chainmailbasket.com. Without his tireless work with inner/outer weaves, the correlation between the two might not have been as apparent.​

Half Persian 3 in 1 vs. Dragon Tail

In CCT, Dragon Tail is considered a dilation of Half Persian 3 in 1 as they are made exactly the same way. Dragon Tail with a dilated cell and Half Persian 3 in 1 with a standard root cell.
  1. Take a standard root cell and a dilated cell.
    Regular vs Dilated.jpg
  2. Make the first inversion lock.
    Inversion Lock Comparison.jpg
  3. Add an additional cell.
    [ Step 3.jpg
  4. Make an inversion lock.
    Step 4.jpg
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4
    HP 3 in 1 vs Dragon Tail.jpg
If we change the small rings in the Dragon Tail so that they're no longer dilated, we get this:
HP 3in1 vs Dragon Tail vs Dragon Tail undialated.jpg

Other Weaves

Of course, just because a smaller ring will sometimes fit inside a larger ring, it doesn't mean that it has to. When connected the same way as usual, in other words not inner/outer, in many cases that the height is more compacted than the width of the form. These weaves are generally called "Flat". Flat weaves are also considered dilations in CCT.​

Here we have Full Persian Square (Flat Persian 6 in 1), Flat Box 4 in 1 and Scarab (Flat Byzantine):
Flat Weaves.jpg

Examples In The Wild

Now, if CCT works, then other weaves made with inversion locks should follow the same rules and be able to be modified through faceting and/or be transformed by changing their grains.

I'll start with faceting of HP3-1 and Dragon Tail:

Base and Faceted Modifications
Dilated Transformations

Structure Note: Some of you may have noticed that Full Persian 4 in 1 is actually a grizzly version (all the flared ends are pointing in the same direction.) You are correct. This is not because there is not a standard version, but because it uses different ring sizes (I also don't currently have an entry for it in the Maillepedia.) I do however have a render of it, however actual AR's still need to be physically tested.​

Actual "Full Persian 4 in 1"
Full Persian 4 in 1.jpg
Since the base faceted modifications and their dilated counterparts have been listed, here's a partial list of their grain transformations. For examples that are not currently listed in the maillepedia, I'll give links to their samples as done by Daveward Plierhands (@_CMB_ ) at chainmailbasket.com.​
Dilated Transformations
Lean Three Quarter Persian - Mirror Twist (no example)​
Undescribed - Parallel grains do not generally get tubed.​
Undescribed - Parallel grains do not generally get tubed.​


The preceding information should be enough to give you a solid foundation regarding the transformation known as a Dilation. As I've stated in previous articles, I'm not a textbook/technical writer and CCT is constantly evolving. What this means is that information/definitions in this article (and the previous one) are tentative. Changes may be made in the case of new discoveries, changes in understanding, and/or better definitions. In such cases, the new information will be posted in the associated discussion thread, as well as updated in the article. There is still more to come, including more "in depth" articles about some of the concepts presented.

As always, if you have any questions or constructive criticism regarding CCT please feel free to let me know in the discussion thread for this article.​


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