Half Persian 3 in 1: Switching Hands

Photo Tutorial Half Persian 3 in 1: Switching Hands


This tutorial demonstrates how to switch the chirality of a Half Persian 3 in 1 chain. Shifting from left to right, and right to left are each shown in separate columns. Simply match your HP3-1 chain to whichever applies in the pictures.

It is important to note that this method will only work with an AR of at least (approximately) 4.7, even though HP3-1 itself can be made lower than this. If your chain has an AR below 4.7, simply graduate its AR to a larger size by adding a few cells. This tutorial uses rings with an AR of 5.3.

1. Starting with a Half Persian 3 in 1 chain, lay it down accordingly (peak down). Your chain will match either the left or right. The following instructions will show how to switch its "hands". The chains here use red and white rings, which define their rows. An additional white ring row will be added, and the red row will end up being shared.

2. Add one ring (white). Notice that the ring is added to the upper or lower red rings, depending on which version the HP3-1 chain is. This ring makes an around the eye connection (AE), that is to say it goes up through one ring, and down through the other.

3. Add one ring (red). This ring is added to two white rings: the one added in the previous step, and the last one in the initial HP3-1 chain. It makes a through the eye connection (TE). Make certain that you layer this ring correctly. As you can see, it is underneath the previous red ring, which leans against it.

4. Add one ring (white). This ring follows the same path as the one added in step 2 by making an AE connection with the last 2 red rings. Notice how it leans against the previous ring as the second HP3 chain starts to form. This third row of rings lean in the same direction as those of the white rings in the starter HP3-1 chain. This is the same connectivity found in Half Persian 3 Sheet 6 in 1.

5. Add one ring (red). This ring is added to only one ring: the one added in the previous step. Make sure it is layered underneath the previous red ring, to maintain the lean row.

6. Add one ring (white). It makes an AE connection, just like the one from step 4. The new Half Persian 3 in 1 chain is forming. Note that its peak faces up, where that of the starter chain faces down.

7. Add a single red ring to the previous white ring, correctly layered, as in step 5.

8. Make an AE connection with the next white ring to complete this Half Persian 3 in 1 cell.

Repeat steps 7 and 8 as necessary to complete your left/right HP3-1 starter piece.
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