What is an Oblique Transformation?
If you've been involved in chain maille for any length of time, you're probably familiar with common variations of weaves such as Nested (aka Scaled) or Stacked (aka Kinged) While it has never been described as such (to my knowledge), Obliquing is a concept...
What is a Dilation?
Dilation is a concept that is probably familiar to many chainmaillers, but I don't believe that it's ever been qualified as a term before. In short, a dilation is a transformation where the two rings in a root cell are different sizes. In some cases, this change in size...
What is a Grain?
If you've been involved in chainmaille for any amount of time you may have noticed, that in many different weaves, there are a few commonly occurring ring formations. While originally referred to on this site as precursors, this concept has evolved into what are now being called...
Welcome to the second article in my series on CCT (the first can be found here). This entry is going to assume that you are familiar with the elements and concepts that have already been introduced. I will cover a bunch of additional information that wasn't necessary when...
Cellular Chainmaille Theory (CCT) is what I call the system that I use to structurally study weaves. While CCT started out as observations made while creating renders for the Maillepedia, it's evolved into much more than that (at least IMO). Certain elements and concepts have...