Analysis help please? Wedding! 😅


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Hi all,

Could I have some help breaking down a pattern? I'm making a necklace for a friend who is getting married, and she loved this one (credit Silverweaver)


There is not quite enough time for that however, and I can't stretch to the ring budget, seeing as I'm doing it for free as a gift.

I was thinking about how I could still do something Japanese, more complex than stepping stones, and found this...


Would you agree that's 4 ring sizes - the tiny connectors, the top row, the medium anchor in the centre of each point, and the small edge rings?

That takes less 'medium' rings than the top option in structure I think.

I've been musing:

Could I could soften the curves with another row of small if I had time, or would it be medium?

I think it needs to be doubled for the correct drape and structure, so I couldn't get away with single?

Silverweaver has a pattern for the first option - could I use that and remove some medium rings?

I know there are Euro/Dragon weaves that could get me this shape more easily, but she has fallen in love with the look of Japanese...and it's one I love too 😉

Thanks in advance!


Staff member
Would you agree that's 4 ring sizes - the tiny connectors, the top row, the medium anchor in the centre of each point, and the small edge rings?
Yes :)
Could I could soften the curves with another row of small if I had time, or would it be medium?
The curves are so distinct in the second one because of the lack of most of the "medium" row and the smallest row of rings being connected to the largest.
Silverweaver has a pattern for the first option - could I use that and remove some medium rings?
Either the first one with some medium rings removed and/or the second with some medium rings added should give the same result :)

Hope that helps.

Alton H

Established Member
New Member
I'm not sure if it's what you're looking for, but you might use scales to emulate the drop pattern. Also, as far as I could tell, the tip rings on the bottom image are not doubled.
As to whether you could achieve the same drape without doubling the ring pattern, it's plausible in my opinion, but I believe the reasoning for the doubling might also be related to the longevity of the necklace. Either to strengthen the finished product or to make it less likely that a potential loss of one of the rings will break the necklace. The top image looks like it'd be noticeably stiffer than the bottom image, but that might just be due to the shape of the pattern. Personally, I'd suggest doing a smaller section of the overall pattern first in aluminum, as although the physical properties of the metal are different, the flexibility of the overall product should not differ over much so long as you don't apply enough pressure to flex the individual rings. In other words, if when you first make the design, it is more rigid than when you fiddle with it later, you have stretched the rings. I typically prototype in aluminum for this reason to get a sense for tolerances and adjustments. Those are my personal preferences. I'm by no means an authority here.
Good luck!