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Photo Tutorial Chain Maille Santa

Author's Note
Our projects were very popular during the lifetime of our business and we wanted to ensure they continued to provide inspiration for chain maillers whatever their experience. It's a pleasure to see they will live on with
-Sarah Austin

Chain Maille Santa

Try making this chain maille Santa as a pendant, a brooch, or a table or tree decoration. Santa measures 25mm x 55mm.​



You will need:
  • 55 red anodised aluminium saw cut jump rings, ID 4.2mm, WD 1.2mm - A
  • 23 matt silver (white) anodised aluminium saw cut jump rings, ID 4.2mm, WD 1.2mm - A
  • 12 black anodised aluminium saw cut jump rings, ID 4.2mm, WD 1.2mm - A
  • 1 red anodised aluminium saw cut jump rings, ID 6.8mm, WD 1.6mm - B
  • 1 black anodised aluminium saw cut jump rings, ID 10.2mm, WD 1.6mm - C
Note: You could use any colour saw cut anodised aluminium ring B and C, as it is not that visible. However, it is preferable to use red, black or matt silver (white) as some colour does show. For the project to work and to make a Santa that holds his shape, the size of the rings is quite critical, especially the inner base rings.

  • two pairs of smooth jawed chain nose, flat nose, or bent nose pliers


  1. Thread ten closed white rings onto one red inner ring B and close ring B. Link six red rings A to the same inner ring. This is Santa's head.

  2. Link one red ring A through one white ring and the red ring A beside it.

  3. Link one red ring A through the red ring A linked in the previous step and the red ring A beside it. Make sure the ring added lies on top of the previous ring.

  4. Repeat step 3. You will have linked seven red rings A and nine white rings.

  5. Thread four closed black rings A and ten red closed rings A onto one black inner ring C and close ring C. Link nine more red rings A to the inner black ring between the pairs of black rings already added. This is Santa's body.

  6. Link one black ring A to each of the two black rings A added in step 5. Link two black rings A to each of the single black rings A just added. This is Santa's belt. The rings will be quite floppy but will tighten as you add rings in steps 7-11.

  7. You will now join the head and body - refer to the main picture to see exactly where to attach the following rings.

    The top of the body has nine red rings attached to the inner base ring. Link one white ring A to the fourth and fifth red body rings (counting in an anti-clockwise direction from the belt) to the fourth white head ring (counting in a clockwise direction).

  8. Link one white ring A through the fifth and sixth red body rings A and the fifth white head ring. Make sure the ring added lies on top of the white ring added in step 7.

  9. Link one white ring A through the sixth and seventh red body rings A and the sixth white head ring. Make sure the ring added lies on top of the white ring added in step 8.

  10. Link one red ring A to the seventh and eighth red body rings and close. Make sure the ring added lies on top of the white ring added in step 9.

  11. Repeat step 10 until you have added the outer layer of rings. From the white rings with which you attached the head and body, you will link three red rings A, two black rings A, ten red rings A, two black rings A and three red rings A.

    Tip: The last ring is tricky to add. You might find it easier to link the last two red rings A beside Santa's beard so that the very last ring you add is the first red ring of the last set of three red rings. Make sure all the inner rings A added in step 5 are pulled outwards and lie next to each other - this will help you link the last ring.

  12. You will now add the final rings to Santa's head to make his hat. Working anti-clockwise, link one red ring A through red rings no. 2 and 3. Link one red ring A through red rings no. 3 and 4, making sure this ring lies on top of the previous ring. Continue adding rings in this way until you have linked four red rings A.

  13. Working clockwise, link one red ring A through red rings no. 1 and 2. Link one red ring A through red rings no. 2 and 3, making sure this ring lies on top of the previous ring. Link one red ring A through red rings no. 3 and 4, making sure this ring lies on top of the previous ring. You have added three rings.

  14. Link one red ring A through the three rings added in step 13.

  15. Link one white ring to the red ring added in step 14 for Santa's bobble. You can use this ring as the hanging ring or attach a second ring so the bobble ring flops down.

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©2021 Sarah Austin. All rights reserved.


  • Use as a Christmas tree or table decoration.
  • Great for adding to a Christmas card.
  • Add a brooch back to Santa's head or hang on some cord for a pendant.
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