
  1. Dragontwist Lean

    Chain Dragontwist Lean

  2. Gallifrey

    Chain Gallifrey

  3. Twist Three Quarters Persian Layered Twist

    Chain Twist Three Quarters Persian Layered Twist

  4. Dragontwist

    Chain Dragontwist

  5. Dragonrope - Parallel

    Chain Dragonrope - Parallel

  6. Parallel Three Quarters Persian Layered Spiral

    Parallel Three Quarters Persian Layered Spiral

  7. Parallel Three Quarters Persian Layered Twist

    Chain Parallel Three Quarters Persian Layered Twist

  8. Grounds For Divorce

    Chain Grounds For Divorce

  9. Three Quarters Persian (Alternating Oblique)

    Chain Three Quarters Persian (Alternating Oblique)

  10. Three Quarters Persian (Oblique)

    Chain Three Quarters Persian (Oblique)

  11. Dragonrope - Twist

    Chain Dragonrope - Twist

  12. Dragonrope - Step

    Chain Dragonrope - Step

  13. Dragonrope - Lean

    Chain Dragonrope - Lean

  14. Mercurantine

    Chain Mercurantine

  15. Lisa Ellis

    Video Tutorial Elfweave Spinal

    Author's Note: I am delighted to announce that all of my previously paid tutorials are now available to the chainmailling community for free. I am so grateful for your support during my designing journey. Thank you! Thank you also to for providing an accessible and permanent...
  16. Parallel Three Quarters Persian Layered Step

    Chain Parallel Three Quarters Persian Layered Step

  17. Parallel Three Quarters Persian Mirror Step

    Chain Parallel Three Quarters Persian Mirror Step

  18. Parallel Three Quarters Persian Layered Lean

    Chain Parallel Three Quarters Persian Layered Lean

  19. Coquille Spaced

    Chain Coquille Spaced

  20. Barrel of Monkeys Segmented

    Chain Barrel of Monkeys Segmented
