Completed Contest Contest of the Month - July

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July's contest is sponsored by The Ring Lord The Ring Lord . They've generously offered $50.00 towards a purchase on

This month, we're looking for pictures of something you're currently working on, or a piece you recently completed. The winner will be chosen at random from all eligible entries on July 31st, 2021.

How to enter the contest:
  1. In the reply box, tell us a little bit about your entry (What you were inspired by and how you were inspired).
  2. Click "Attach files":
  3. In the window that opens, select the photo that you would like to enter.
  4. On the photo thumbnail that appears after your image is uploaded click "insert":
  5. Click "Full Image":
  6. Click "Post reply":

Entry period: Now - July 30th, 2021 11:59 PM EST.

Contest Rules:
  • One Entry per eligible member.
  • The contest must have at least 10 entries for the prize to be awarded.
  • Contest winner is responsible for any additional fees, shipping costs, tariffs, and/or taxes.
  • Users creating additional accounts to enter will be disqualified and/or banned from the contest forum.
  • Posts other than contest entries will be removed.
  • Contest winners that receive a prize will be ineligible for the next 2 contests following the one they win.

If you have any questions, please feel free to post in our Troubleshooting/Site Questions forum or start a conversation with .

Good Luck everyone,


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I made this pendant as a custom order with a dark rainbow swarovski rivoli. The pendant is a Morning Star by Aussiemaille, but I adjusted the size of the pendant so it could fit a 14mm rivoli in :)


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I'm currently working on some keychains for a fundraiser to help raise money for a local hospice. They have a walk every fall. Whoever raises $350 within a group that my sister is putting together will receive a free keychain. This group is a bunch of people that work at a local hospital where my sister works.



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Kamelion Maille Works

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My wife is the inspiration for my Freedom Lantern necklace pendant that is based off of of the Steampunk Garage, Mermaid lantern. For the last few years she has been doing volunteer work for Operation Underground Railroad, a nonprofit organization that works to fight child sex trafficking. Part of the O.U.R logo is a lantern (to shine light into the darkness) and after I made her several mermaid lanterns she had an idea to modify the original to replicate the O.U.R lantern logo. I am making them available thru with 75% of the proceeds going to benefit Operation Underground Railroad and the women and children they help to rescue.


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I recently completed this helm-based pendant and double cable chain. I wanted something larger that was still dainty. I like how it turned out and plan on making more of them.


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This is my forest themed Pauldron set that I'm still adjusting. I got inspired by a few things.
1) I love alcohol inking and wanted my own custom colored scales for an outfit.
2) I recently lost my old set of pauldrons somewhere and with Ren Fairres opening up again I needed a new piece to wear.

Each scale is unique and the resin coating really gives it a huge shine.
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Alexandra Hurst

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This will be a space themed fractal, 67,500 rings. So far it is about 25,000 rings. I love astronomy and fractals, so this is a perfect piece. Euro 4 in 1, 18 SWG 5/32.

Sun 2.jpg


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For the past year or so I have been working with stainless steel and hybrid steel/plastic simple chainmaille patterns to create binding cables for the bondage industry. This year after working on the process to make all plastic versions. Last week we finally got the opportunity to test shoot with the first two prototype all plastic cables. Fun was had by all. Hopefully not too racey for your forums.

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July's contest is sponsored by The Ring Lord The Ring Lord . They've generously offered $50.00 towards a purchase on

This month, we're looking for pictures of something you're currently working on, or a piece you recently completed. The winner will be chosen at random from all eligible entries on July 31st, 2021.

How to enter the contest:
  1. In the reply box, tell us a little bit about your entry (What you were inspired by and how you were inspired).
    View attachment 4569
  2. Click "Attach files":
    View attachment 4570
  3. In the window that opens, select the photo that you would like to enter.
  4. On the photo thumbnail that appears after your image is uploaded click "insert":
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  5. Click "Full Image":
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  6. Click "Post reply":
    View attachment 4573

Entry period: Now - July 30th, 2021 11:59 PM EST.

Contest Rules:
  • One Entry per eligible member.
  • The contest must have at least 10 entries for the prize to be awarded.
  • Contest winner is responsible for any additional fees, shipping costs, tariffs, and/or taxes.
  • Users creating additional accounts to enter will be disqualified and/or banned from the contest forum.
  • Posts other than contest entries will be removed.
  • Contest winners that receive a prize will be ineligible for the next 2 contests following the one they win.

If you have any questions, please feel free to post in our Troubleshooting/Site Questions forum or start a conversation with .

Good Luck everyone,
This piece was completed yesterday. A few days ago, I woke up in the middle of the night and this design was in my head. It is a full persian 18g 1/4 swg and 18.5 inches long. It has finally left my head because it has been made reality.


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July's contest is sponsored by The Ring Lord The Ring Lord . They've generously offered $50.00 towards a purchase on

This month, we're looking for pictures of something you're currently working on, or a piece you recently completed. The winner will be chosen at random from all eligible entries on July 31st, 2021.

How to enter the contest:
  1. In the reply box, tell us a little bit about your entry (What you were inspired by and how you were inspired).
    View attachment 4569
  2. Click "Attach files":
    View attachment 4570
  3. In the window that opens, select the photo that you would like to enter.
  4. On the photo thumbnail that appears after your image is uploaded click "insert":
    View attachment 4571
  5. Click "Full Image":
    View attachment 4572
  6. Click "Post reply":
    View attachment 4573

Entry period: Now - July 30th, 2021 11:59 PM EST.

Contest Rules:
  • One Entry per eligible member.
  • The contest must have at least 10 entries for the prize to be awarded.
  • Contest winner is responsible for any additional fees, shipping costs, tariffs, and/or taxes.
  • Users creating additional accounts to enter will be disqualified and/or banned from the contest forum.
  • Posts other than contest entries will be removed.
  • Contest winners that receive a prize will be ineligible for the next 2 contests following the one they win.

If you have any questions, please feel free to post in our Troubleshooting/Site Questions forum or start a conversation with .

Good Luck everyone,
I had the punched scale rings and attached transparent scales. I find it like the color of ice, so Ice Fall instead of Water Fall.


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The bottle I used is from a gin called Roku. Roku is japanese for 6. I thought that the japanese 12 in 2 was a fitting choice.


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I'm heavily into LARP and
July's contest is sponsored by The Ring Lord The Ring Lord . They've generously offered $50.00 towards a purchase on

This month, we're looking for pictures of something you're currently working on, or a piece you recently completed. The winner will be chosen at random from all eligible entries on July 31st, 2021.

How to enter the contest:
  1. In the reply box, tell us a little bit about your entry (What you were inspired by and how you were inspired).
    View attachment 4569
  2. Click "Attach files":
    View attachment 4570
  3. In the window that opens, select the photo that you would like to enter.
  4. On the photo thumbnail that appears after your image is uploaded click "insert":
    View attachment 4571
  5. Click "Full Image":
    View attachment 4572
  6. Click "Post reply":
    View attachment 4573

Entry period: Now - July 30th, 2021 11:59 PM EST.

Contest Rules:
  • One Entry per eligible member.
  • The contest must have at least 10 entries for the prize to be awarded.
  • Contest winner is responsible for any additional fees, shipping costs, tariffs, and/or taxes.
  • Users creating additional accounts to enter will be disqualified and/or banned from the contest forum.
  • Posts other than contest entries will be removed.
  • Contest winners that receive a prize will be ineligible for the next 2 contests following the one they win.

If you have any questions, please feel free to post in our Troubleshooting/Site Questions forum or start a conversation with .

Good Luck everyone,
I'd been wanting a new look for my LARP Character but my creativity seemed low due to recent events, thats when a friend told me about Scalemaille and I immediately fell in love with the look. Funds were tight and I'm very self conscious and wanted a set that I could make sure fits my body the way I wanted, so I went to Ringlord bought some scales and rings and begun my journey into working with this fun new product. 3 months later this was the result of my first ever attempt at making my very own scalemaille!

Isabelle Robert

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My first try at the garter belt weave. Steel for strength, anodized aluminum for colour. Been trying to do some "less delicate" pieces.


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July's contest is sponsored by The Ring Lord The Ring Lord . They've generously offered $50.00 towards a purchase on

This month, we're looking for pictures of something you're currently working on, or a piece you recently completed. The winner will be chosen at random from all eligible entries on July 31st, 2021.

How to enter the contest:
  1. In the reply box, tell us a little bit about your entry (What you were inspired by and how you were inspired).
    View attachment 4569
  2. Click "Attach files":
    View attachment 4570
  3. In the window that opens, select the photo that you would like to enter.
  4. On the photo thumbnail that appears after your image is uploaded click "insert":
    View attachment 4571
  5. Click "Full Image":
    View attachment 4572
  6. Click "Post reply":
    View attachment 4573

Entry period: Now - July 30th, 2021 11:59 PM EST.

Contest Rules:
  • One Entry per eligible member.
  • The contest must have at least 10 entries for the prize to be awarded.
  • Contest winner is responsible for any additional fees, shipping costs, tariffs, and/or taxes.
  • Users creating additional accounts to enter will be disqualified and/or banned from the contest forum.
  • Posts other than contest entries will be removed.
  • Contest winners that receive a prize will be ineligible for the next 2 contests following the one they win.

If you have any questions, please feel free to post in our Troubleshooting/Site Questions forum or start a conversation with .

Good Luck everyone,

I made this as a Christmas present for my mother. I always watched her do cross stich patterns when I was little so I decided to take a cross stitch pattern she likes and make it out of chainmail.



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This is a commission that I finished just a little while ago. The gentleman who ordered it said he'd like something reminiscent of a milk snake. It's turkish round in anodized aluminum, patterned as best I could after the milk snake. I really like how it came out and, thankfully, so did he.


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This piece is hot off the bench, as I just finished. A friend of mine is taking the next steps with their gender reassignment and asked me to make them a bracelet.
I made one in matte and one in shiny metallic for them.
The pink rings are rubber and allow the bracer to stretch to wear so no clasps are needed
I hope you like!



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After my spring semester ended I decided why not buy some scales and try that out. I also bought one of the random bags. So I bought the copper specifically and hot the other scales in the bag. I love this combabation and can't wait till I finish the pauldron I'm making.



New Member
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July's contest is sponsored by The Ring Lord The Ring Lord . They've generously offered $50.00 towards a purchase on

This month, we're looking for pictures of something you're currently working on, or a piece you recently completed. The winner will be chosen at random from all eligible entries on July 31st, 2021.

How to enter the contest:
  1. In the reply box, tell us a little bit about your entry (What you were inspired by and how you were inspired).
    View attachment 4569
  2. Click "Attach files":
    View attachment 4570
  3. In the window that opens, select the photo that you would like to enter.
  4. On the photo thumbnail that appears after your image is uploaded click "insert":
    View attachment 4571
  5. Click "Full Image":
    View attachment 4572
  6. Click "Post reply":
    View attachment 4573

Entry period: Now - July 30th, 2021 11:59 PM EST.

Contest Rules:
  • One Entry per eligible member.
  • The contest must have at least 10 entries for the prize to be awarded.
  • Contest winner is responsible for any additional fees, shipping costs, tariffs, and/or taxes.
  • Users creating additional accounts to enter will be disqualified and/or banned from the contest forum.
  • Posts other than contest entries will be removed.
  • Contest winners that receive a prize will be ineligible for the next 2 contests following the one they win.

If you have any questions, please feel free to post in our Troubleshooting/Site Questions forum or start a conversation with .

Good Luck everyone,
I recently finished this Harley Davidson inspired dragon. All of the scales were painted using alcohol ink.
