Completed Contest Contest of the Month - June

Staff member
June's contest is "Simply Suggestions" and we're giving away a $25.00 USD gift certificate to, purveyor of fine supplies, kits, & tutorials.

To enter, simply post a suggestion for something that would make the site more useful to you.

It could be anything from:
There are 2 restrictions:
  • Your suggestion must be different from any previous suggestion.
  • Your suggestion can not be something that is already available on the site (availability may be in a different form than you are used to).
If your entry is deemed invalid, your entry will be removed and you will be notified via conversation, here on the website, why it was invalid and to enter again.

Entry period: Now - June, 29th, 2021 11:59 PM EST.

The winner will be chosen at random from valid entries and announced on June 30th, 2021.

Contest Rules:
  • One Entry per eligible member.
  • The contest must have at least 10 entries for the prize to be awarded.
  • Contest winner is responsible for any additional fees, shipping costs, tariffs, and/or taxes.
  • Users creating additional accounts to enter will be disqualified and/or banned from the contest forum.
  • Posts other than contest entries will be removed.
  • Contest winners that receive a prize will be ineligible for the next 2 contests following the one they win.

If you have any questions, please feel free to post in our Troubleshooting/Site Questions forum or start a conversation with .

Good Luck everyone,


New Member
New Member
I think it would be much easier if the menu categories and threads not having the "Your" stuff and put the "your" in our profile dropdowns

Ring Maiden Maille

New Member
New Member
Not sure if it's possible, but a more friendly mobile version would be nice.


New Member
New Member
It would be amazing if there was a way to search Maillepedia by either ring size or AR and to have that search populate relevant patterns.
I know that’s asking a lot, just a “if things were perfect wish”!


New Member
New Member
I'd like to see a geographical member listing that people could opt into that would show locations of those who are interested in getting together to chat and maille.


New Member
New Member
I would love to see :
- a photo next to each weave name so we can decide if its the one we want to use (sometimes I dont know what I want to make until I see a photo)
- a video tutorial with how to search for different weaves on the site as I actually find it a little difficult to navigate if I'm not certain of the specific weave name
Many thanks


New Member
New Member
My biggest suggestion would be to have the CGI images for both left and right handed weavers if possible. As a leftie, it can be challenging to compensate on the more complicated weaves.


New Member
New Member
I would love an ability to search by AR for a list of suggested weaves as well as an ability to exchange resources such as rings.


New Member
New Member
I would like to review Bracken Maille, a small one-man business offering unique anodized titanium jump rings in speckled patterns, scales, and tags, all of which are gorgeous, hand-made, and reasonably priced considering how labor intensive their production is. Bright aluminum rings, hand-made jewelry, and kits/instructions are also available there. Not sure of the rules/processes involved yet in posting to the review area, though. :)

Staff member
Entry period has closed. The prize is ACTIVE :). Winner will be picked at random today, June 30th. Good luck to everyone who entered!

Staff member
The time has come to pick the winner of this months contest!!!

We had 11 entries this month - starting with post #2 and ending with post #12, therefore, we're going to pick a random number from 2 - 12. The post that corresponds with the number chosen will be the winner of the contest.

And the winner is (drumroll please)


Post #5

Congratulations to the winner of our June Simply Suggestions Contest Ring Maiden Maille Ring Maiden Maille !​

We hope you'll come back and let us know what you choose with your $25.00 gift certificate and post some pictures of what you make. We'll be reaching out to you via conversation shortly regarding your prize.

A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who entered! We hope you'll come back tomorrow, July 1st when we will announce our next monthly contest.


Staff member
Now that the big announcement is out of the way, lets get back to the suggestions that were made in the thread
Could the AR's be added in the resources section, and the ability to filter by them?
It's definitely a possibility that we could create an AR field for resources, but it would still be up to the user posting the resource to input that information. A current work around would be to use the filter in the Maillepedia section. Check the "yes" box for "Tutorial Available" and put the AR that you're looking for in the "Commonly Used AR(s)" field. The format for entering AR(s) is "*.*" (wildcards are acceptable). For example, if you wanted to see weaves for AR 5.0 with tutorials, you would check the box and put 5.0 in the AR field. If you simply put 5, it would not return any results. If you put 5.* it would return results for any weaves with tutorials and a commonly used AR of 5.0 - 5.9
create a category in the classifieds for 'Classes/online Classes'
Just added classes to the (now named) "Services, Jobs, & Classes" category. The best bet would be to use the "announcement" type when posting an ad for a Class.
I think it would be much easier if the menu categories and threads not having the "Your" stuff and put the "your" in our profile dropdowns
Is it that you feel that the "Your" stuff clutters up the menu too much? Is it the position of the "Your" stuff links in the menus? Just to let you know, it is done that way so you can quickly find specific instances of "Your" content for each different type of content available on the site.
Not sure if it's possible, but a more friendly mobile version would be nice.
Which features do you feel could be more mobile friendly and how so? The site currently has fully responsive design and should have all functionality regardless of what device type you are using to access the site.
I would love to see tutorials automatically available as a downloadable pdf!
We would love this too! :) What is uploaded with a tutorial is at the discretion of the user uploading it. It is completely possible for downloadable pdfs to be added to a resource page. We currently host a number of tutorials that are only downloadable pdfs, and some that are picture tutorials with downloadable pdfs.
It would be amazing if there was a way to search Maillepedia by either ring size or AR and to have that search populate relevant patterns.
While you may not be able to search for AR(s) in the Maillepedia, you can definitely filter for them (which we feel returns even more relevant results ;) ) Please see the response to knwhitman1992 at the beginning of this reply for more information, and if you have any questions, please feel free to post them in the Troubleshooting / Site Questions forum. :)

I'd like to see a geographical member listing that people could opt into that would show locations of those who are interested in getting together to chat and maille.
Right now there is currently a location field that all users can fill out at their discretion. Unfortunately, there is currently no way to search locations or view them on any kind of map. You could always start a thread where users could reply with their information if so desired or post a classifieds ad looking for people to meetup to maille. That does not mean that there is no chance of functionality such as you describe being added, just not currently at this time. :)
I would love to see :
- a photo next to each weave name so we can decide if its the one we want to use (sometimes I dont know what I want to make until I see a photo)
- a video tutorial with how to search for different weaves on the site as I actually find it a little difficult to navigate if I'm not certain of the specific weave name
Many thanks
With regards to the photos, are you referring to our Maillepedia or our Resources section? All Maillepedia entries have high quality renders for each and every entry. Resources may or may not have them on the listing pages although there is the ability to upload an icon (which could possibly be of the weave). We are currently looking into ways to make our resource section display more in line with the Maillepedia.
My biggest suggestion would be to have the CGI images for both left and right handed weavers if possible.
Are you referring to the Maillepedia images, the maillesplosions, or both? Right now our focus is to cover the widest number of weaves possible, within our budget. Once we have what we feel is an acceptable number of weaves and if our budget allows, we might change that focus to more specialized versions (such as left handed). :D
I would love an ability to search by AR for a list of suggested weaves as well as an ability to exchange resources such as rings.
As stated to RudhiraKaama, while you might not be able to search, you can definitely filter. Please see the first response to knwhitman1992 for more details. As for exchanging resources, feel free to post a "For Trade" ad in our classifieds section in the appropriate category (tools & supplies). :)
I would like to review Bracken Maille, a small one-man business offering unique anodized titanium jump rings in speckled patterns, scales, and tags, all of which are gorgeous, hand-made, and reasonably priced considering how labor intensive their production is. Bright aluminum rings, hand-made jewelry, and kits/instructions are also available there. Not sure of the rules/processes involved yet in posting to the review area, though. :)
A review item for Bracken Maille has been created and you can now leave a review:

Once again, thank you all for your suggestions!



New Member
New Member
I think it would be much easier if the menu categories and threads not having the "Your" stuff and put the "your" in our profile dropdowns
I think this picture that I've posted of the menu could be better placed in a profile dropdown or maybe position it at the bottom of the Main menu or you could also make a sub drop-down of "Your stuff". I tend to use my mobile more and I like to view new or stuff I haven't seen alot more than the previous stuff I've seen or posted. Just a thought. Thanks for responding back to my suggestion.


Hope that helps and I explained it better.
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Staff member
I think this picture that I've posted of the menu could be better placed in a profile dropdown or maybe position it at the bottom of the Main menu or you could also make a sub drop-down of "Your stuff". I tend to use my mobile more and I like to view new or stuff I haven't seen alot more than the previous stuff I've seen or posted. Just a thought. Thanks for responding back to my suggestion.

View attachment 4594

Hope that helps and I explained it better.
It definitely does. You might actually be much better off using the "What's New" page. The "What's New" page has multiple tabs that cover all the different types of content on the site. It can be found by clicking "What's New" in the toolbar (on mobile, it shows as a "lightning bolt" on the right side of the toolbar).

Hope that helps :D