P.O.T.M. Do you like "background noise" when you maille?

Poll of the Month

Do you like "background noise" when you maille?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 96.4%
  • No

    Votes: 1 3.6%

  • Total voters


Established Member
Beta Tester
Contributing Member
New Member
It usually is hard rock to some metal. A bit of everything depending on my mood.

Favorites are stone sour, slipknot, Tremonti, breaking Benjamin...at least the favs right now.

Kelly Bean

New Member
Usually I am mailling with the TV in the background, at night after the kids go to bed, or while they are at school. My least productive time tends to be summer, but I also maille in the car when we are riding.


Staff member
Beta Tester
Absolutely, but I find that I like music more than TV. I find myself losing focus on the project in front of me if something really catches my interest on TV.

Just throw some metal on and start powering through. :D


Established Member
Beta Tester
New Member
Have to have the Netflix running. Right now I'm flitting between House M.D. and Criminal Minds. But stuff like XFiles is no good. Too many "significant looks" that make me lose the story. SOMETIMES I listen to Audiobooks, but I find TV is better for me because i look away from the maille occasionally which keeps my eyes from getting ruined.


New Member
I bet I'm the only "no" you'll get... It's not that I never listen to music---and when I do, you wouldn't believe the variety of stations I've made on my Pandora... but there is just TOO much noise in the world, too much talky talk, too much media. Silence truly is golden.


Established Member
Established Member
Usually I have the TV playing in the background. Sometimes it's the news channel, or some kind of documentary show that I can listen to without watching.


New Member
Yeah, all the time! Sometimes its music, sometimes just TV but most of the time sounds from videogames ;-)


New Member
I can't do anything with no background noise... the silence if deafening. I usually either have the tv on or find something on netflix. I get through a lot of shows while doing inlays.

Rebeca Mojica

New Member
Beta Tester
Netflix or Public Radio, usually. Sometimes I get CDs on tape from the library. Wen I'm feeling particularly epic, I'll listen to Mozart's Symphony #25. Or Mittelalter Alter Metal.

When I first started mailling years ago, I got a ton of books-on-tape that were educational - like language learning, and science, etc. I was like, "I'm going to be the smartest person in the world!" because I thought I'd be listening to this stuff all day long. Well, as it turns out, I'm not very good at multi-tasking, so I don't usually remember what I've listened to. Ha. So I switched over to more mindless stuff. And I agree with steampunkgarage that some shows are no good to have on while mailing, because too many subtleties are missed!

Zena Marvell

New Member
I generally work with TV in the background. I also sell my work for charity and when I do shows/craft fairs I always take chainmaille with me to work on in the 'quiet' times. I find that it draws people in as they are fascinated to look at what I am doing. Obviously I then show then a finished piece of work that they can then buy - sometimes it works and it helps make another sale!


New Member
Usually the TV on something I don't have to look at. I watch/listen to a lot of ID crime shows or Judge Judy. Gawd, I love Judge Judy.


New Member
New Member
I usually cycle through stuff on Pandora, iHeartRadio, or pull up full albums on YouTube. I usually have to have something gothic, metal, or with a similar hardness to it to keep my mind on track while mailleing.


New Member
If it's an intense project then I have some music or a movie on with a good sound track but if it's just normal weaving I'm on Crunchyroll :3


New Member
New Member
I prefer having the tv on some kind of series I've already seen so I can listen and only have to look with half an eye.