dragon sculpture?


New Member
I bought the dragon tutorial, and it is definitely simple enough, but, I can't seem to follow the instructions for the head. Are there assembly videos anywhere????


New Member
it's one of those "look at directions, read words, understand words, pick up pliers and *poof* out the window it all goes" situations. If there was someone who would be willing to do a skype or live feed demo (and I'll even show them the tutorial I have to prove I'm not trying to get a freebie), I'd be eternally grateful (and maybe even send them chocolate!).

Scott Robertson

New Member
Have you created one of the Owls? The dragon head looks just like an owl body. Opposing HP3-1 (L/R) with E4-1 connections in the middle. I'm sure that there are a couple of expansions and reductions in there but that is what it looks like. I have not gone after doing one so take my comment for what it's worth. Nothin.

Sue May

New Member
Beth, I understand what you are talking about, where you understand the instructions while reading it, then when you go to make it the instructions go poof. I have a learning disorder where I can't read instructions and follow them... but I can read them and tell someone else how to do it. THEN I understand it. (I went through school thinking there was something wrong with me, only to find out that I am above average intelligence. I just can't test.) You might try asking someone to sit next to you, and try "Teaching" them how to make it. They don't actually have to make one, you just have to explain the steps (out loud) as you make it.

Hearing the instructions as you are working on it will cement the steps in your head.

Good luck.


Established Member
Established Member
I've made four full dragons from TRL's kit with my own tweaks here and there. The Owl is proving to be a pain in my ass.