Dragonscale Sheet

Dragonscale Sheet page


New Member
New Member
Can someone help me understand the way the aspect ratios are listed on any given patterns/weaves page (in this case, Dragonscale), listed under the "minimum ARs" & "commonly used ARs", is the 1st commonly used AR listed for Dragonscale (3.9) meant to be for the small rings, & the 2nd (6.1) meant to be for the large "scale" rings, or are the two ARs listed under "commonly used" meant to have the large & small ring sizes listed in the pop-ups, & serving as two different options, therefore providing two different finished product sizes?
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Staff member
If there's a comma between the numbers, they're part of a set. If there's a semi colon between the numbers, it's a separate value or set.

In this case (Dragonscale) it's the small ring AR and the large ring AR.

Minimum AR values are usually around the smallest ARs that the weave can feasibly be made. Many times the minimum AR should be considered "structural", meaning there will be very little, if any, flexibility.

Commonly used ARs are ARs that can be used for most purposes


New Member
New Member
That's very helpful, thanks! So, to be clear, are you saying that the 3.9 AR that's listed under "commonly used" for Dragonscale is meant for the small rings, & the 6.1 listed after it is meant for the large "scale" rings? What about the sizes in the pop-ups - if I hover the mouse over the 3.9 AR, are those sizes in the pop-up meant for the small rings, (same idea & question for the pop-up that appears for the 6.1 AR)?


Staff member
Yes, but please note that those are mandrel ARs and don't take modifiers into account such as springback or material type (which changes springback). They're more a starting point, your suppliers AR may vary. They're also only valid if using the same WD.

Dragonscale generally works as long as there is a difference of at least 2 between the small rings and big rings, so 4 & 6, 4.5 & 6.5, etc.