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Forward & Backward Mobiusing 1.0

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Blue Buddha

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Blue Buddha submitted a new resource:

Forward & Backward Mobiusing - A technique of intertwining multiple rings


Forward & Backward Mobiusing

In chainmaille, möbiusing refers to a technique of intertwining multiple rings – each ring goes through every other ring, but together they function as an individual unit. Each of the “flowers” units in the weave is a Möbius unit. Due to the spiraling nature of the technique, pieces will start to twist if you do not alternate the direction of each unit. This free PDF...

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Sharyn Hamilton

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This is a pretty simple tutorial, but I learned a lot from it. I'm ambidextrous, and it turns out I was weaving right-handed, but opening left-handed. There were some weaves that had me in contortions, until a chance sentence in Chained helped me figure out how I should be opening rings. I never even thought about the fact a Mobius could go forward or backward, but this explains all that, and how opening the rings differently can help. Now, if I'm contorting, I'll try opening the other way.

Oh, and the tutorial also makes really pretty mobiuses.