Future Projects


New Member
New Member
I always have more ideas than I have time. And most of the time I have around 5-10 different projects that are ongoing.
And this even though I mostly make bracelets and earrings. o_O
I have a couple of challenging pendants that is on my to-do-list right now.


New Member
New Member
I have so many projects that I would like to get started on. Sweet pea weave tonight.

Scott Robertson

New Member
As a person that enjoys Adult ADD, I generally have a few things started until I get obsessed with an idea and can't do anything else until I can get a proof of concept down. Which of course leads to more partially finished pieces on my desk.


New Member
For me it is either feast or famine. I might have several projects on the go then I'll finish them all around the same time. That lull is when I can focus on the future projects but most of the time my mind gets muddled because I have too many ideas or projects I want to work on!


Established Member
Beta Tester
New Member
I have a list on my phone of future projects that I want to do and usually have at least 2 projects going at one time. Sometimes I have another few on the side because I am stuck them and am waiting for inspiration!


New Member
New Member
Heh, I came home from Otakon (anime convention in Baltimore, MD) this past weekend with so many ideas in my head that it hurts! I've had to wait through my work week to THIS weekend to even think of trying half of them!


New Member
I have a bunch of projects going all the time. And now that I've gotten more into wire wrapping, I have even more! I need a few more hours in the day...


Established Member
Established Member
I've recently started to use the app My Workboard (this is not a solicitation, I use the free version) to prioritize my production.
Obviously I take care of replenishing what sells each week first. Future designs I prioritize by demand, reviewing current trends and honestly, what I think is damn cool. I also am developing a list of weaves to add to my arsenal. I have a time table that may or may not be effected by either seeing a weave and liking it, deciding it would be a nice addition or substitution for current designs. I always fulfill orders first, (duh) but really focus on 'punching up the displays" as much as I can during the busy season of selling.


New Member
I have a list of weaves I want to try, books and magazines with flags for projects I want to try, and I lost count of how many projects I have started right now. I should probably finish some projects, so I can move onto new things :)
I have a huge list of weaves I want to try and will typically start them all off with a few inches just to see if I can do it. Then I will leave it and try something else. I probably have about 50 or so half finished projects sitting around at any given time, all in different weaves or color/metal combinations!

Jennifer White

New Member
Im a one project at a time kinda person. But I have lots of ideas for future projects.


New Member
New Member
I just started some work on a new project tonight that's inspired by the video game Portal. :D Persian Dragonscale with, hopefully, a large-ring Mobius center.


New Member
I'm always thinking of new projects! I can't stop dreaming of new pieces to make! However, I really try to not start another one unless i have finished my current project, unless I'm making something for a gift.


New Member
I usually have 3 or 4 projects going at a time, and I am always thinking about my next projects. Sometimes I wish I had more focus on my current projects and less on my future ones, but I do love to dream. :)


New Member
I make lists also. I usually finish one project before starting another, but I do usually finish weaving the project and then pile them up to put clasps or do the final tumbling.

Pamela Lunsford

New Member
I have one large inlay I am gradually working on and usually have a couple smaller projects to switch between. But there is so much I want to do, especially with Christmas coming.

Sharyn Hamilton

Established Member
Established Member
I have a bunch of projects waiting in the wings, but I'm a serial mailler. I don't start one project until I finish the last, right down to clasps. The only time I don't finish is when I'm flummoxed. (Yes, Mngwa, I'm talking about you.)


New Member
My planned projects list is lengthy. A lot of them I have supplies for, so that's something at least. But with cons I'm also always working on stock -- gives me something to work on when the big project pisses me off.


Established Member
Established Member
I've recently started to use the app My Workboard (this is not a solicitation, I use the free version) to prioritize my production.
Obviously I take care of replenishing what sells each week first. Future designs I prioritize by demand, reviewing current trends and honestly, what I think is damn cool. I also am developing a list of weaves to add to my arsenal. I have a time table that may or may not be effected by either seeing a weave and liking it, deciding it would be a nice addition or substitution for current designs. I always fulfill orders first, (duh) but really focus on 'punching up the displays" as much as I can during the busy season of selling.
UPDATE. Re worked displays. Added photos of a grid display I use for stingy places who only give me a four foot table. This is my Husband, Mike. We used some old display fixtures and new ones he made to maximize our display space. We bought 'puck' LED lights that had a dimmer.When they dimmed the house lights people could still see clearly all of the detail and true color of the work. I'm very pleased. We got the set at Costco for $20. Batteries included.