Japanese Rain Chain (Spiral)

Japanese Rain Chain (Spiral) page
Structural Name
Spiral Persian
Half Persian Spiral; Half Persian 3 in 1 Spiral; Half Persian 3 in 1 Full Spiral; Axiom Lock 5 in 1


New Member
New Member
Hi! Posting here to request some kind of tips for this. I know many persian weaves including HP 3 in 1, HP 4 in 1, FP6 and gsg varieties, but this one says it's a HP 3 in 1 spiral. How does one go about adding the spirals? Is it just trial and error? I Hate starting something without at least a bit of a guide - so i'm posting here as I've searched all morning and can't get any kind of traction other than there's a picture on a few sites.



Staff member
While this weave was originally named Half Persian 3 in 1 Full Spiral and then rediscovered a few months later and named Half Persian Spiral, I listed it in the maillepedia as Japanese Rain Chain (spiral) as it has more in common with Japanese Rain Chain than Half Persian (at least IMO). The commonality between both HP 3 in 1 and JRC is that they are both based around root cells (a pair of connected rings). The difference is that in HP, the connections form lean grains and in JRC (spiral) they form spiral grains. (In regular JRC they form twist grains, but that's another story).

If you look at the Maillesplosion for JRC (Spiral), you can see the spiral grains present in the weave.


While that image is great for showing the grain, this one may help more with the construction of the weave.

JRC Spiral cellular.jpg

All you're really doing in this weave is taking two connected rings rotating them slightly and connecting them through the two previous connected rings. Another important note is that the ring pairs need to have the same orientation each time. What I mean by that is if we say the left ring was horizontal to start and the right ring was vertical then all additional ring pairs need to be the same. You also need to make sure that your rotation is in the same direction each time.

Hopefully that will help some.


Contributing Member
Contributing Member
Adding 1 thing here; while possible below 5.0, the chain will suffer "bunching" below 5.0, as the nature of the chain wants 5 rings in a line before repeating.