Largest Project


New Member
New Member
So far the projects that's taken me the longest time to finish has been some dragonscale bracelets.
I plan on doing a dragonscale necklace one day.


New Member
New Member
Can't say I've tried inlays or armour. It took me most of a weekend to weave a 24 inch Byzantine necklace.

NWH Designs

New Member
I'm relatively new so I haven't conquered any really big projects yet. My biggest/longest would be a Japanese diamond bracelet made in stainless steel and bronze, taking roughly 5 hours. It was my first of that weave.


New Member
New Member
Currently working on a layered necklace of captured pearls (fake) that I have yet to decide on a weave to join the teirs. :D When I can, I'll post pictures. Lovely gradiation of teal to white on the pearls, captured in bright aluminum.


Established Member
Established Member
I made several pieces for a friend who Cosplays as the Predator (The Arnold Movie)
I made a pauldren out of Large black scales, A mantle out of 16 Gauge Galvy and a matching maille 'skirt' out of GSG. I took 4 months and despite the time involved, the result was pretty striking.
My largest project so far is a Dragon Age inspired inlay with the symbols for the Circle of Magi and the Templar Order. The finished piece is about 16" x 19" and almost 6000 rings.


New Member
That is absolutely amazing. I might be partial since I love the Ninja Turtles.

My TMNT inlay is currently my longest... not done with it yet... about 95% done and it has been about 380 hours.

The attached pic is of the inlay at 60% done

Daniel H.

Established Member
Established Member
I am tempted after seeing some of this work to go crazy and do an inlay shirt, just so I can feel slightly more accomplished :p. That or a larger inlay. One day I will do the microdragonscale tie or a chess board or possibly a Tafl board.


New Member
I have a couple of necklaces that took me a long time to do (I maille REALLLLY slowly :p). I mostly like doing earrings because I am not patient enough to work on BIG projects, tho! I always admire the patience it takes for people to complete shirts and big inlays, etc! So good work to all of you that do that!


New Member
I tend to make smaller things that take 8 hours or less so I get a quick and easy sense of accomplishment. But I do see a bra top and some inlay in my future!


Established Member
Established Member
My largest project was an flower inlay purse. It wasn't that big, but it took time from switching between the colours.


New Member
I am working on a Fairy Tail inlay... at about the 80% complete, I seem to only be able to weave row (one open / one closed) a night. Hope to have it finished soon as I can start showing it off.