Making Butted Rings Safe To Wear


New Member
New Member
Hello everybody !
I've been making chainmail for over a year now and now I'd like to level up and start selling my creations. However I still feel a bit worried about how safe my rings can be, since I use a bolt cutter to cut them and have no tumbler.

I tried to cut my rings with a saw for cleaner edges but that's way too slow.

I wanted to look into buying a rock tumbler but I have two issues with that :
- The only tumbler reviewed on this website isn't shipped to in my country (France)
- Since I'm in a non English-speaking place, I have trouble finding a correct translation for this tool.

I found some tumblers on Cookson but they are ultra expensive.
The cheapest option I got is buying a VEVOR rock tumbler, anyone got one ?

Otherwise, are there any other options to make galvanized and stainless steel butted rings potentially less harmful ?