P.O.T.M. To kit, ot not to kit. That is the question.

Poll of the Month

How do you feel about Kits? Let us know why in the comments below

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Sharyn Hamilton

Established Member
Established Member
I'm still a relative newbie, and buy a lot of kits. I find they're a good way to sample a weave, and they make reordering fool proof. How do you feel about kits?


New Member
When I first started mailling there were no kits. Over the past year or so I've bought a few and I agree with you that it takes all the hassle out as you are given what you need. Then if you want to do more you have ring sizes and numbers. Plus as you say as a newbie they can be beneficial to help you find your feet.


Staff member
Beta Tester
This is an awesome question and would have made a great poll of the week!!! Wish I would have thought of it. (Been having a brain fart couple of weeks ;) ) I personally love kits. Take the guess work out, and when you don't know what you really want to do, just grab a kit and start weaving. Certain kits that I really like, I wish the vendors would sell bulk packages of sets of rings guaranteed to work. Hint, hint Jen @steampunkgarage ;)


Staff member
I'd like to apologize about the lack of the "Poll of the Week" for the past couple of weeks. A combination of being on vacation, sickness & some personal issues turned into a perfect storm of "Poll Block". I'd like to thank Sharyn Hamilton Sharyn Hamilton for this weeks poll question. :) If anyone has any suggestions for future Poll of the Week questions, please feel free to message me.


Established Member
Established Member
I also love kits. It makes it easy for the first time you try a weave. But as said before, some times I wish some vendors would have available restock kits after you bought the kit with the tutorial.


New Member
When I try a new weave I almost always start with a kit. It takes the guess work out of the purchase and lets you focus on learning the weave.


Contributing Member
Contributing Member
I haven't tried kits yet but for weaves that have more than one ring size I can very much understand how they would be very helpful.