Our TUTORIALS (Articles and Tutorials & Paid Tutorials) all have two sections where you can post about them.If you would like to thank a user for posting a tutorial the way to do it is by reviewing the TUTORIAL.
Each TUTORIAL can be reviewed by going to the the page that you download or view the tutorial from.
Underneath the "overview" of the tutorial, you will see a button "Leave a rating" Click this button.
Once you click the button, an overlay box will come up where you can leave your rating, review the tutorial, thank the author for posting it, gush about how it will create world peace and goodwill towards your fellow man, etc.
Once you are done writing your review, click "Submit Rating". That's it, you're done.
When each TUTORIAL is created, an associated discussion thread is generated. These discussion threads are for users to discuss the TUTORIALS (questions about and/or comments on the TUTORIALS, not really to thank the user for posting it or talking about how great it is) Discussion threads for TUTORIALS can be reached three ways.On the Forum Home page, if you scroll to the bottom of the page, you will see an area called "Resource Discussion"
The "Articles" subforum is for discussion threads of "Articles" that are found in the "Articles" category.
The "Tutorials" subforum is for discussion threads of "TUTORIALS" that are found in the "Tutorials" & "Paid Tutorials" categories.
Direct links to discussion threads for individual "TUTORIALS" can be found on the individual "TUTORIALS" page.
We hope this thread helps you find the appropriate place to post.
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