What happened to M.A.I.L.L.E Artisans site?


New Member
New Member
Sorry if this is off topic but is that site going to be forever read only and won’t be able to ever sign up?


Staff member
Well, it is chain maille related, so it's not off topic :)

As we have no affiliation with them, other than covering the same topic, we're unable to answer your question. It was stated in the past that there were problems with the hosting and the database and that they were being worked on. I believe it's going on almost 2 years now that they've been read only.

Was there something specific that you were trying to access on their site?


Established Member
Established Member
I wish it was available to be able to at least search, but with a little bit of extra work you still can probably find what your looking for on that site.
I would like to know how you determine what weave family something is because this would help search for instructions.


New Member
New Member
Well, it is chain maille related, so it's not off topic :)

As we have no affiliation with them, other than covering the same topic, we're unable to answer your question. It was stated in the past that there were problems with the hosting and the database and that they were being worked on. I believe it's going on almost 2 years now that they've been read only.

Was there something specific that you were trying to access on their site?
I was trying to figure out if they were still working on getting it all working again or just abandoned it due to no time to work on it. I was just wondering when or if someone will ever be able to join or search on the actual site again.

i asked here as there was no way to contact them and hoped maybe one of the mods was on here and may shed some light but you were still helpful. I eventually just started popping specific weaves into to Google and finding the page for that weave on their site that way rather than going through the long list of all of them to find a specific weave.


Staff member
I eventually just started popping specific weaves into to Google and finding the page for that weave on their site that way rather than going through the long list of all of them to find a specific weave.
Have you tried looking for the weaves in our Maillepedia? While we don't have the sheer number that they do, we do have entries for almost 350 weaves. If there's a specific weave that you're looking for that we do not currently have an entry for, please feel free to suggest we add it here. :)


New Member
New Member
I wish it was available to be able to at least search, but with a little bit of extra work you still can probably find what your looking for on that site.
I would like to know how you determine what weave family something is because this would help search for instructions.
To search simply use Google - 'mail artisans (weave name)'


Contributing Member
Contributing Member
Officially, The site admin is still trying to fix it.

There's one guy who has acess to the code. Daemon_Lotus.


Established Member
Established Member
I wonder what the code is that he wrote it with, my mother does programs to keep herself business while in her retirement years.