What's in your "Mailledrobe"?


New Member
My other daily wear is the Celtic Labyrinth Ring pattern from Daleann Stark. I've made about 6 of them with different crystals to match what I'm wearing.

Anne VanLoon

New Member
I have a Byzantine cross in sterling that never fails to get noticed. It also looks really dressy for such a simple pendant! I'm fickle with my other jewelry choices-I love to switch it up!


New Member
I am really bad about not wearing my own creations. I have so many cool things I like and that fit well, but I often just forget to wear them! I totally need to change this.

Pamela Lunsford

New Member
For work I usually wear a helm or Byzantine badge holder. I have rubber on the way and have plans for barrel and maybe half Persian. Bracelets are usually what I just finished because if I've gone to the trouble of adding a clasp I must really like it.

Sharyn Hamilton

Established Member
Established Member
My new favorite: Sleek Cuff in emerald, teal, iridescent blueberry and unanodized niobium, from the Blue Buddha Boutique kit. The colors are glorious.


Contributing Member
Contributing Member
I have a pair of rubber and anodized aluminum Beez Stew bracelets in black and red that I wear almost every day.