Other Hobbies...


New Member
I make fancy food sometimes:

But my main hobby is fitness. I'm a commuter cyclist (I don't own a car) and I lift weights. I finally can do pullups (woo-hoo!) and am now working on pistol squats. So, um, I guess you could say I'm crafting my body? ;)

That's too beautiful to ruin by eating.


New Member
New Member
I sew. Started only a year ago and am no expert, but have been whipping up several dresses and tops so far.
For less creative hobbies, I read. A lot.


New Member
New Member
I like cross stitching as well as some leather working! I love researching and collecting weaves with their ring sizes as well and spend more time doing this than I do actually weaving oddly enough.


New Member
New Member
Scrapbooking and card making before chain mail. I like to read and I have 3 children and 2 dogs that keep me busy.


Established Member
Beta Tester
New Member
I love to cook, garden, canoe/kayak, camp and veg on anything remotely resembling a beach!


New Member
New Member
I do a lot of knitting, crochet, cross-stitch and beadwork, with some kumihimo on occasion when my cats let me play with things that dangle. :) I also occasionally manage to churn out some pixel art and drawing. :)

Just a little taste of pixel art I did recently:


New Member
I love to do silk flower arrangements, cook, bake, garden, and sometimes I'll cross-stitch or knit


New Member
Used to sew and draw mandala's a lot, but at the moment it's only chainmaille and making music (I play trombone in a ska band).
I really enjoy metalsmithing and have been working on wirewrapping lately. I also like to crochet and would love to learn how to knit at some point.


New Member
I like to knit, crochet and make paracord bracelets and slings. I like having multiple crafts so if I need a break from one I have others waiting.

Edie Ramstad

New Member
I love knitting but I would rather chainmaille so knitting gets neglected. However I can knit in the car but I can't chainmaille in the car. So long car trips are for knitting.....(while wishing I was doing some chainmaille.


Established Member
Established Member
Wait... you people do things OTHER THAN mailling? Ludicris!

Nah, I knit, and I love to garden and canning. I occasionally like to blow things up in a 3D online environment (I game)
But mostly I maille.


New Member
New Member
I also do other types of jewelry, wire wrapping and such. I have slowly started doing more machine embroidery. I first got the machine to just do the "faces" on video game stuffed characters I was making. The hand sewn on ones didn't look as good as I wanted, so of course I spent a ton of money and time to try and embroider them.

scarf I made of my favorite evil corporation.

Octorok and then a bin of Metroids and Octoroks. Couldn't find a picture of just the metroid. (plus some Shadow of the Colossus hats)
not the greatest picture, but my favorite wire wrap so far, and some gaming dice jewelry.

Pamela Lunsford

New Member
I used to knit and crochet but damaged one of my hands so that's difficult now. I can do Chainmaille though because most of the manipulation is done with one hand. It fun too!