Captive Inverted Round

CGI Tutorial Captive Inverted Round

Author's Note
I wanted to contribute my tutorials to to help ensure that the entire chainmaille community has access to them. The tutorials are presented here with the same images and text from my old site CGMaille. I hope they continue to help inspire you to learn and create many amazing pieces!

Weave Background
Captive Inverted Round is a nice weave for chunky necklaces. In the right AR, it can be a rigid weave for sculptural use. This tutorial assumes you already know how to weave basic Inverted Roundmaille.

Aspect Ratio & Ring Sizes
In order to be able to fit captive rings in the weave, you need to use rings with a relatively large AR. 20swg 3/16" rings (AR ~ 6.6) make a chain that fits 3 captives; 18swg 1/4" rings (AR ~ 5.7) fits 1 -2 captives. Experiment to see what ring size fits your needs the best. You can capture rings, beads, Barbie doll heads; anything that'll fit.
Metric sizes - approximately 0.8mm wire with a 4.8mm inner diameter for 3 captives; 1.2mm wire with a 6.4mm inner diameter for 1-2 captives.

Tutorial Color Scheme
Inverted Round rings are steel and captive rings are gold.

Step 1: Here you have your starting, 4 cage inverted roundmaille chain. 'Cages' are the 3-ring units that form the area where the captive rings will be going.


Step 2: Fold the green end rings back over the rest of the chain. This is like peeling a banana, or a flower opening.



Step 3: Place the closed captive rings in the middle there. In this example, I'm using 2 captive rings. You might only be able to fit 1, or 50, depending on the aspect ratio of the rings.


Step 4: Now fold back over the captive rings, closing the cage.


Step 5: Add another cage, fold over, add captive rings.

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