Half Persian 3-1 Sheet 5

CGI Tutorial Half Persian 3-1 Sheet 5

Author's Note
I wanted to contribute my tutorials to Chainmaillers.com to help ensure that the entire chainmaille community has access to them. The tutorials are presented here with the same images and text from my old site CGMaille. I hope they continue to help inspire you to learn and create many amazing pieces!

Weave Background
Half Persian 3-1 Sheet 5 one of the ways to turn Half Persian 3-1 into a sheet. It's formed by attaching consecutive Half Persian 3-1 chains. It's called 'sheet 5' because each ring ends up going through 5 others - 3 from its own Half Persian 3-1 chain and 2 from the next Half Persian 3-1 chain. It ends up using both the standard Persian Around Eye connection and the Europeans-style Through Eye connection. Therefore I consider it to be more of a Persian-Euro hybrid, rather than a strictly Persian weave. But most places you'll see it listed as a Persian weave.
This method produces a rectangular patch. There is another way to make Half Persian 3-1 Sheet 5 that produces a parallelogram. I haven't tried it yet, but it looks neat. Half Persian Sheet 6 is another way to make a parallelogram-shaped sheet of Half Persian 3-1.

Aspect Ratio & Ring Sizes
Half Persian 3-1 Sheet 5 needs AR's larger than that for regular HP3-1; say, 4.8 and higher. 20awg 3/16", 18swg 1/4" and 16swg 5/16" rings work.

Metric sizes - approximately 0.8mm wire/4.8mm ID; 1.2mm wire/4.8mm ID; and 1.6mm wire/8mm ID.

Tutorial Color Scheme
New open rings are gold, new closed rings are bronze and old rings are steel. Avast ye.

Step 1:Make a HP3-1 chain the length you want the final patch to be.


Step 2: Close two rings and put them on an open ring. Pass the open ring down through the two leftmost bottom rings from the HP3-1 chain. Arrange the closed rings so they're in the usual HP3-1 fashion.


Step 3: Close another ring and put it on another open ring. Pass the open ring up through the eye formed by the two rings from Step 2, and down through the eye from the next two rings in the original HP3-1 chain. Man, that description stunk. Sorry about that, folks.


Step 4: Repeat Step 3 until you reach the end of the HP3-1 chain. For the last ring, you don't need to add a preclosed ring.


Step 5: Repeat Steps 2-4 until the patch is the desired length.

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