Jens Pind Linkage and False Pind Linkage

What's the Difference? Jens Pind Linkage and False Pind Linkage

What's the Difference?

The answer to the question of "What level of change to weave structure constitutes a new weave as opposed to a variant?" will vary depending on who you ask. However, it is indisputable that even minor changes in weave structure give you a weave that, while it may be similar to the root weave, is "different" from the original. Unfortunately, this often leads to confusion as to what has actually been woven. Each "What's the Difference?" article in the series will focus on a different set of similar and/or commonly confused weaves. There are many occasions where much of the confusion stems from the comparison of different images with the weaves being in multiple orientations and/or ring sizes. Renders made for the articles will be based upon similar AR's and orientation.

The renders in this article are made with a wire diameter of 1.63 mm, an actual AR of 3.0, and are woven from left to right. The anchor ring in the following renders is the leftmost cyan ring.

Jens Pind Linkage & False Pind Linkage

JPL vs False Pind.jpg
In this "What's the Difference?" I'll be focusing on two weaves:
Please note: There are reflective (chiral) versions of both of these weaves. For the main article, we will be focusing on a single version, there will be additional photos showing both versions in the appendix.

Cellular Structure

Base Cell.jpg
These two weaves are similar because they all start off with the same base cell. In this case that base cell is the same cell as found in 2 in 1 Chain- Persian.
  • Left - Top Down view
  • Right - Side view

Weave Cells

Weave Cell.jpg
Weave cells are groupings of rings and/or cells that can be directly translated to continue a weave. Minor changes in weave cell configuration and orientation between cells can give a widely differing results. False Pind is a perfect example of how a minor grain transformation can give a completely different end result.
  • Top Left - JPL weave cell - Top Down view
  • Top Right - JPL weave cell - Side view
  • Bottom Left - FPL weave cell - Top Down view
  • Bottom Right - FPL weave cell - Side view

Cellular Connections

In addition to the configuration and orientation of weave cells, how those weave cells are connected to each other can also have major implications as to what weave you will wind up with.

  • Top - JPL - Left base cell ring is connected to the right ring of the previous base cell, behind the left ring of that base cell. Right base cell ring is placed in front of the the previous base cells right ring and has no connection of its own to the previous base cell. Cyan reinforcing ring goes through the eye of both it's own weave cell and the eye of the previous base cell above the previous reinforcing ring.
  • Bottom - FPL - Same connections as JPL except that the reinforcing ring is connected to the previous base cell eye below the previous reinforcing ring.

Connection Confusion:
  • Changing the position of the ring connections (above/below, in front/behind) changes the lean of the grain.
  • JPL when rolled has grains that alternate, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right.
  • FPL when rolled has grains that alternate Left, Left, Left, Right, Right, Right.
  • Grain sequence can change based on orientation when starting and direction of roll.
  • The rings in any single grain in either JPL or FPL (when completed) can be designated as the reinforcing grain.

With those weave cells and making those connections, you get the following:

Top - Jens Pind Linkage & Bottom - False Pind Linkage


The sequence of the grain directions is what differentiates Jens Pind Linkage from False Pind Linkage. Changing the lean direction of a single grain is the difference between a weave that is flexible in all directions and one that is not.


Jens Pind Linkage:

Weave Cell (Both Directions):
JPL weave cell - Both Directions.jpg
Chain (Both Directions):
JPL - Both Directions.jpg

False Pind Linkage:

Weave Cell (Both Directions):
FPL weave cell - Both Directions.jpg
Chain (Both Directions):
FPL - Both Directions.jpg

JPL vs FPL comparisons:

Top 2 - JPL
Bottom 2 - FPL
JPL vs False Pind (All).jpg JPL vs False Pind (All - Color).jpg

Reinforcing rings w/ matching orientations:​

Top 2 - JPL
Bottom 2 - FPL
Please note: the red rings (2 in 1 - Persian) in the FPL are the opposite side of the same rings in the JPL .

Reinforcing Rings - Matching Orientation.jpg

Cellular Chainmaille Theory - CCT

Cellular Chainmaille Theory (CCT for short) is something that we're working on here at It is currently a work in progress. Cell types and forms used in this article are based upon our current findings. We hope to be able to share more information with you regarding CCT in the future.

Author's note:
It is our intent that these articles be living documents where additional information, corrections to any errors, and improvements will be incorporated over time. We encourage any discussion, insights, suggestions, or corrective criticism you may have on the subject presented in this article. This can be done by clicking the "Join the Discussion" button.

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The difference between the two is so subtle that I've accidentally made one while trying to make the other on multiple occasions. This comparison helped me differentiate between the two!
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