Joining Half Persian 3-1

CGI Tutorial Joining Half Persian 3-1

Author's Note
I wanted to contribute my tutorials to to help ensure that the entire chainmaille community has access to them. The tutorials are presented here with the same images and text from my old site CGMaille. I hope they continue to help inspire you to learn and create many amazing pieces!

Weave Background
Half Persian 3-1 can be used with great effect in cabochon wrapping or finger rings. Connecting the two ends of the chain may pose more of a challenge than you think. Once you get it though, it's quite easy.

Part of the trick is realizing that Persian weaves connect rings with different slants; the \\\ rings link through the /// rings. \\\ rings don't go through each other.

The other part is to make sure you keep track of which rings are \\\ and which are ///. If you get lost and find yourself looking at a tangled mess of rings, it may be easier to take it apart and start from scratch, rather than trying to figure the mess out.

It also may take quite a bit of fiddling to get the rings arranged where they should be, so don't be in a rush to connect everything. Better to take it slow and make sure every ring's in its place, and then connect the next rings.

Also, note that you won't be adding any extra rings once you make the initial chain. You'll only be opening the end rings.

Aspect Ratio & Ring Sizes
Half Persian 3-1 can be made with AR's down to 4.0-ish. 20awg 1/8", 18swg 3/16" and 16swg 1/4" rings make a tight Half Persian 3-1. 20awg 3/16", 18swg 1/4" and 16swg 5/16" rings make a looser chain.

Metric sizes - approximately 0.5mm wire/2mm ID; 0.64mm wire/3.2mm ID; 0.8mm wire/4mm ID; 1.2mm wire/4.75mm ID; and 1.6mm wire/6.4mm ID.

Tutorial Color Scheme
In order to keep track of which rings have what slant, all the \\\ rings are gold and all the /// rings are silver.

Step 1: Make a chain of HP3-1equal to the final length you want. The end of the chain should not have the extra dangly ring.


Step 2: Curl the chain around, so the ends are next to each other as shown in the picture. Note that the silver rings are now on top and the gold rings are on bottom. This isn't a problem, but you should probably be aware of it.


Step 3: Connect the outer silver ring to the outer gold ring. They should stay below the inside rings. Depending on the AR of the rings, they may slide around.


Step 4: Connect the inside rings. They should go above the rings connected in the previous step.


Note: You may find it easier to connect the 2 inner rings first, then connect the outer rings. Same technique; different order.
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