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Photo Tutorial Mobius Link Bracelet

Author's Note
Our projects were very popular during the lifetime of our business and we wanted to ensure they continued to provide inspiration for chain maillers whatever their experience. It's a pleasure to see they will live on with
-Sarah Austin

Mobius Link Bracelet

The mobius weave is created by linking the rings in a crossed over fashion (see the project below). You can use as few as two rings to create the effect or as many rings as the inner diameter of your ring will take to create a mobius ‘ball’. The key to this weave is to find the centre of the rings that you have joined together and then link the next ring through this centre point.



Most ring sizes will work for this weave and will depend on how many rings you wish to link together. Very low aspect ratios will not work as the inner diameter will be too small.

For an 18.5cm bracelet, you will need:
  • 21 anodised aluminium jump rings ID 5mm, WD 1.29mm in three colours, A, B and C
  • 42 anodised aluminium jump rings ID 5mm, WD 1.29mm in a fourth colour, D
  • 1 gold plated lobster clasp – 14mm
  • two pairs of smooth faced chain nose or flat nose pliers


For the project above, we used the following colours:
  • A = red
  • B = gold
  • C = orange
  • D = brown
Note: Before you begin the project, close all colour A rings and open colours B, C and D.
  1. Link one open colour B ring through one closed colour A ring and close. Use a headpin to find the centre of the two joined rings.

  2. Link one open colour C ring through the centre of the two rings from step 1 and close.

  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 twenty more times until you have 21 mobius links.

  4. Find the centre of the three joined rings of two of your mobius links. Link one colour D ring through the centres of the two mobius links and close.

  5. Repeat step 4 with a second colour D ring.

  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until you have joined all the mobius links together. As you are adding the last mobius links, check the length of your bracelet – you may not need to use all your links or you may need to add a few more. Allow for the lobster clasp.

  7. At one end of your bracelet, place one open colour D ring through the centre of the mobius link and and your lobster clasp. Close the jump ring.


  8. At the other end of your bracelet, place one open colour D ring through the centre of the mobius link and close.


The best effect is created using four colours – three matching colours for the mobius links (A, B and C) and a fourth contrasting colour (D) to join the mobius links together. For this bracelet, we used the following colours:
  • A = pink
  • B = violet
  • C = purple
  • D = bright aluminium


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