Byzee Beez to Butterflies


Established Member
Established Member
Just wanted to find out if someone can tell me the difference between this weave, Byzee Beez and Gridlock, they all look so much a like?
Thanks in Advance


Staff member
Beta Tester
I'll give it a shot, lol :)

Byzee Beez to Butterflies & Byzee Beez are essentially the same weave. They're both individual segments of Byzantine that are connected differently.

BBTB is Byzantine segments bolted to adjoining segments. Pretty sure I've also seen it referred to as "Ladder Byzantine".

BB is Byzantine segments bolted to adjoining separator rings

Now as for Gridlock, I assume you mean Gridlock Byzantine GB (unlike BB & BBTB) is NOT based on Byzantine but is based on Gridlock with extra rings added that give it a byzantine like appearance.

I'll try to take some pictures for you when I get the chance. :)


Established Member
Established Member
Thank you so much for the quick response on this. I am wanting to try to do the Byzee Beez to Butteflies and Beez Stew. So I will let you know how this goes, I am trying now to find out rings sizes that I would need for 16g SWG rings, I think that this is the size that I would like to do this particular project in.


Staff member
Beta Tester
Both of those weaves are listed on M.A.I.L. as an AR of 4.2 Depending on the what material you're using, you should be able to get away with around 16swg 1/4" (which, depending on material type, has an AR of around 4.1 (when you account for springback)) Just remember, the ring lists are "Calculated" / "Mandrel" AR's. Ring sizes in the list do NOT account for variations in WD or springback.


Established Member
Established Member
Thank you for your help with this. I made a practice piece that I am going to turn into a bracelet and I did this in 18g, I am going to try it in 16g to see how wide it ends up, and I want to make a slight adjustment, not sure if it will work or not but I will see. Here is a picture of what I already have,


Staff member
Beta Tester
Looking very nice!!! Great color combination.

I do need to inform you that if you were going for BBTB, it looks like you have a few extra rings in there. Instead of Byzantine segments, it looks like you have two "half" byzantine segments overlapped and then bolted.

If you were going for your own variant, then Maille On! :D

Edit: Nevermind, I screwed up, I see you're doing Beez Stew, not BBTB. Wasn't familiar with that one.


Staff member
Beta Tester
Byzee Bees to Butterflies. I forgot you mentioned Beez Stew, which I wasn't familiar with. I edited my previous post. Your bracelet is a fine example of Beez Stew :)

I'm lazy and will abbreviate a lot ;)


Established Member
Established Member
Hey MrDeranged, when you get the chance can you take a look at and tell me if that is what I did from my tutorial that was called Beez Stew? Based on the picture above?
I just looked at the instructions and it is done slightly different that what I have done above so I am still not sure if they might be the same weave??


Staff member
Beta Tester
Your picture IS Beez Stew. :D

All three of the weaves being discussed (Byzee Bees, Byzee Bees to Butterflies, Beez Stew, and Flat Byz 4in1 Tube) are all, at their root, Byzantine.

Crappy picture explanation incoming (done with rings on hand, click the image to enlarge the crappiness ;) ):
  • A unit of Byzantine can be characterized as two connected, mirrored box cages.
    Byz segment.jpg

  • Byzee Beez - tethers placed through the inverted rings in a byzantine unit which are then tethered again.

  • Byzee Beez to Butterflies - units of Byzantine bolted (through the inverted rings) to adjoining units of Byzantine.

  • Beez Stew - Overlapped 2/3 segments (one box cage and a connector ring) of Byzantine (the connector rings of the opposing 2/3 segments are overlapped). Cages are tethered to adjoining cages and the overlapped connector rings of the 2/3 segments are tethered European 4 in 1 style.

    Top view (Byz 2/3 segments are symmetrical)


    Side view - you can see that the connector rings are overlapped

  • Flat Byz Tube (4 in 1) - Two mirrored B^ chains, offset and interwoven.

Cross section

Hopefully that helps show the differences between the weaves. :D


  • FB.jpg
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Contributing Member
Contributing Member
  • Flat Byz 4in1 Tube - 2/3 segments of Byzantine where the connector rings are joined (European 4 in 1 style) to opposing adjacent 2/3 segments. Cages are bolted to adjacent cages.
    View attachment 3571

    Top view (Byz 2/3 segments are asymmetrical)

    View attachment 3572

    Side view - you can see that the connector rings are joined to each other European 4in1 style.

Hopefully that helps show the differences between the weaves. :D
That's not flat byz 4-1 tube.

There was an error on this site before yesterday - that is just a beez stew variant