Completed Contest Contest of the Month - May

Staff member
This month, post a picture of any Movie/TV inspired piece of maille that you have created and tell us a little about it! Do you see Sabrina the Teenage Witch clutching your amulet? How about one of the Sons of Anarchy rocking your wallet chain? Or perhaps you imagine Kim Kardashian wearing a totally unique accessory while she slap fights her sisters! Inspiration is everywhere and we want to see where yours comes from.

May's contest is co-sponsored by Jen from steampunkgarage steampunkgarage . Through their generosity in matching our usual prize of $25.00, we are able to once again, double the amount to a $50.00 value!!! The $50.00 coupon that the randomly chosen winner will receive is usable towards either finished SPG pieces made by Jen, OR it can be used to get some kits, tutorials, and supplies on the SPGsupplies store!

Finished items available for purchase from steampunkgarage steampunkgarage include (but aren't limited to):
Supplies available from steampunkgarage steampunkgarage include (but aren't limited to):

How to enter the contest:
  1. In the reply box, tell us a little bit about your entry (What you were inspired by and how you were inspired).
  2. Click "Attach files":
  3. In the window that opens, select the photo that you would like to enter.
  4. On the photo thumbnail that appears after your image is uploaded click "insert":
  5. Click "Full Image":
  6. Click "Post reply":
Entry period: Now - May, 30th, 2021 11:59 PM EST.

The winner will be chosen at random from valid entries and announced on May 31st, 2021.

Contest Rules:
  • One Entry per eligible member.
  • The contest must have at least 10 entries for the prize to be awarded.
  • Contest winner is responsible for any additional fees, shipping costs, tariffs, and/or taxes.
  • Users creating additional accounts to enter will be disqualified and/or banned from the contest forum.
  • Posts other than contest entries will be removed.
  • Contest winners that receive a prize will be ineligible for the next 2 contests following the one they win.

If you have any questions, please feel free to post in our Troubleshooting/Site Questions forum or start a conversation with .

Good Luck everyone, & steampunkgarage steampunkgarage
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New Member
New Member
So my husband I are both huge Firefly nerds and I wanted to try my hand at something I had never tried before, something I didn't have a pattern for, and something I had only seen in a different (knit) medium.
Thus, the Jaynemaille hat was born. Over 20 hours of my life weaving and tweaking to get the colors to lay at the right part of the head and I'll probably never do something so crazy again 😂
(Less impressive mentions are my Wonder Woman scale top and scale Winter Soldier arm lol)


New Member
New Member
I thought it would be fun to make some Harry Potter house themed scalemaille pieces. This was my Slytherin inspired piece.


Nocturne's Armoire

New Member
New Member
This Cheshire Cat necklace is one of my favorite pieces I've ever made. Was created for a design challenge in a sales group I was auditioning for and was a great way to use up all those little stashes of extra rings left over from other projects that didn't match new batches.
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New Member
New Member
I made this scalemaille inlay of Boba Fett for a friend who has been a big Star Wars fan his entire life. It was my first time creating something like this, and I'm really pleased with how it turned out!

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New Member
New Member
My piece is fairly simple and revolves around the pendant that I wanted to feature which has the Alexis quote from Schitt's Creek "Love that journey for me." I just adore her character and her growth throughout the show, and I like the chaos of the random colored JPL paired with that line given the chaos of their lives at the start of the show.

I might make changes to the necklace in the future as I was originally intending to include a small rose charm and a big floppy hat charm that I ordered online, but I'm kind of digging the simplicity of it as it is now.



New Member
New Member
This is one of my favorite sets! It's simple candy cane weave bracelet with a lock and key clasp paired with double mobius earrings in matching colors all with dna strands and "live long and prosper🖖" tags charms in tibetan silver. My inspiration is my mom. She was my Star Trek mentor (she passed in 2012) and this is definately something she would've loved 😍 so I made it. I can make more but the bracelets will have different toggles, so this is a one of a kind set. I would hate to ever let it go haha but maybe one day.... 😅



New Member
New Member
This piece was inspired by Bram Stoker's Dracula. It has that Victorian feel and the heart is staked and bleeding. It is now owned by a lovely Goth DJ in Denmark. 🖤



Established Member
Established Member
Inspired by the jewelry in a lot of the movies that King's and Princes wear.


New Member
New Member
I have been a fan of Spyro the Dragon ever since I got my first copy of the game back in 1999 and with that I got obsessed with dragons, so I just had to make a Baby dragon inspired by him :) I will make a Cynder one soon aswell ^^


Ring Maiden Maille

New Member
New Member
I love working with people's fandoms due to their passions. I make things to help people feel connected to their passions and be able to show them off to others. I've made many things based on movies, but this one still is one of my favorites.



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Beta Tester
New Member
Tyrus, aka George Murdoch, aka The Funkasaurus former Wrestler and now Political Commentator wears one of those gaudy, cheesy big phat spiral necklaces and I always wanted to get him wearing one of mine. I made this over-the-head infinity Spiral 6 in 1 in darkened stainless to wear myself and channel my inner Tyrus.

Staff member
Entry period is now closed. Winner will be announced Monday, May 31st, before 6:00 PM EST. Best of luck to everyone who entered.

Staff member
The time has come to pick the winner of this months contest!!!

We had 17 entries this month - starting with post #2 and ending with post #18, therefore, we're going to pick a random number from 2 - 18. The post that corresponds with the number chosen will be the winner of the contest.

And the winner is (drumroll please)

May Contest.gif

Post #9

Congratulations to the winner of our May Fan Mania Contest G Gnaserin !​

We hope you'll come back and let us know what steampunkgarage steampunkgarage items you choose with your $50.00 prize and post some pictures when you receive them. We'll be reaching out to you via conversation shortly regarding your prize.

A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who entered and a Giant Special Thank You to Jen from steampunkgarage steampunkgarage for co-sponsoring this months contest! We hope you'll come back tomorrow, June 1st when we will announce our next monthly contest.
