JPL instructions?


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Beta Tester
Established Member
I've got some show downtime from now till 11/22. I'm wanting to take some time and learn at least 2-3 new weaves. One I want to learn is JPL.

Unfortunately, I don't really understand the instructions I have and I need to do some overhaul on the booth and how I set it up. I don't want to dig through M.A.I.L., although it would be easy to find. (I'm somewhat lazy!) Is there any chance of getting clear JPL instructions put in the Resources?

I'm part a reader and part visual learner. The pictures in my book are not very clear and I have no idea on which direction to weave the rings. And it also doesn't help that the book gives both left and right handed directions. I don't usually get confused with instructions, but this one's got me stumped!

Staff member
I'd love to have a jpl tutorial for the resources, but no one has put one up yet. I'll have to see what I can do. Is there something specific about the weave that you don't understand? Once it "clicks" for you, you'll never have a problem with it again. What book are you using?


Established Member
Beta Tester
Established Member
Chainmail Workshop by Karon. I think that's the author's name.

I don't really understand adding the 4th ring and continuing the pattern. I can't figure out the exact positioning for the rings. I tried it a few nights ago. The weave came out wonky.

Staff member
every 3 rings the pattern starts over.

4th ring should be going through rings 2 & 3 and continuing the line from ring 1.
5th ring should be going through rings 3 & 4 and continuing the line from ring 2
6th ring should be going through rings 4 & 5 and continuing the line from ring 3.

if line 1 looks like this \\\\\\\
line 2 should look like ///////
and line 3 should look like line 1 \\\\\\\

another way that it was explained to me is that the pattern should alternate.

row one left side down, right side up
row two left side up, right side down
row three left side down, right side up

In this image:

grey - left up, right down
blue - left down, right up
frost - left up, right down



Established Member
Beta Tester
Established Member
Ok. I'm going to keep this where I can get to it later.


New Member
I actually found that, regardless of tutorial, using square wire made it click for me. I got mine from C&T, I think it was 18A... and it only actually works the right way, I found. If it isn't working, you've made a mistake somewhere. Just using a bag of rings to make necklaces and bracelets got it enough into my bones that it makes sense, so that doing it with round wire worked.

Might help...


Established Member
Established Member
JPL is slowly becoming my nemesis, I'll keep trying and referring back to this thread and all it's knowledge as I fumble toward perfection that is JPL.


Established Member
Established Member
I also used square wire rings the first time I tried JPL and it helped a lot. Also Spider's second DVD helped a lot.

Jo Mayer

New Member
New Member
I agree with Steph that 3 colors would make mastering the weave easier. Have you seen the tri-color bracelet from Hyperlinks? It's available from Mhai O Mhai (Canadian Co.) or Blue Buddha Boutique (US Company).

Sharyn Hamilton

Established Member
Established Member
I got JPL3 on my first try, using the Blue Buddha Boutique tutorial.
I agree with everyone else -- three colors is key. Once you've mastered it -- I did several things -- try the Just One Ring Jen's Pind tutorial -- it keeps only one ring the traditional size and makes the other two bigger. If you can keep the spiral pattern going with rings that don't actually overlap, you've got the weave nailed.


New Member
Tried it a while back, then threw it away ;-0. But this page is good for the next time I try, thanks!