Sweetpea Variation


New Member
New Member
Hi! I made a variation inspired by Sweetpea design. I do not know how to identify it, so I put it here.
I used 1.4 mm ID 8.5 mm rings. Its soldered using phosphorous bronze for stability.


Staff member
This is an interesting one, because while it can be seen how it's related to Sweetpea, where it ends up could just as easily have come from Trees. What they all have in common is that their grains are parallel based. Sweetpea is 1221-1221 (with the 1's in each segment also connected to each other) and Trees is 2332-2332 (where the 2's are not connected to each other within the segment)

Is there supposed to be a sequence to how the segments are attached to each other? The direction the segment starts in seems to be random. Starting from bottom left and following it around to top right the segments are:


this is neither direct, nor alternating and is also an extension of sweetpea and trees (as those only have 4 places while yours has 5)

Top and middle are both direct 23322-23322 and 22332-22332 (but opposite directions) Bottom is alternating (one from top and one from middle) 22332-23322

It also looks like there might be a ring missing when connecting the middle left segment to the top left segment ;)


New Member
New Member
Ring is not missing, it just the effect of placement in front of mobile phone.
I tried to join the segments in a way the second case shows.


Staff member
The top and middle (first and second) are exactly the same, just rolled 90 degrees and spun 180 degrees from each other. The only one that is actually different is the bottom (third).

Not sure how there could be a hidden ring in this area:

The green rings are the difference between sweetpea and what you made, 6 extra rings.

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