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Photo Tutorial Kinged European 4-1 Cuff

Author's Note
Our projects were very popular during the lifetime of our business and we wanted to ensure they continued to provide inspiration for chain maillers whatever their experience. It's a pleasure to see they will live on with
-Sarah Austin

Kinged European 4-1 Cuff

For a two-tone weave, try two colours in kinged European 4-1. Because of the way the colours are woven the two sides of the cuff give a subtly different effect.

Note: A kinged weave is when two rings, instead of one, are used each time in a weave.
Make a pair of matching earrings. For instructions, click here.



For an 18cm bracelet, you will need:
  • 206 rose pink anodised aluminium saw cut jump rings, ID 4.2mm, WD 0.81mm
  • 206 purple anodised aluminium saw cut jump rings, ID 4.2mm, WD 0.81mm
  • 2 silver anodised aluminium saw cut jump rings, ID 3.8mm, WD 1.00mm - clasp rings
  • silver plated keepsake Tierracast toggle, 9x13mm
  • two pairs of smooth jawed chain nose, flat nose, or bent nose pliers


When making kinged European 4-1 in two colours, it is important to link the rings in the correct colour order to obtain the same effect as in the project.

For the instructions below pk = pink and pp = purple
  1. Open one pink ring and, with this ring, link eight closed rings in this order: pp, pk, pp, pk, pk, pp, pk, pp. Note the order is not strictly alternate.

    Position the rings as shown in the left hand picture, making sure that you orientate the rings in exactly the same way.

    Following the same pathway, link one purple ring in front of the pink ring and through the same eight rings (right hand picture).

  2. Close two pink and two purple rings and open one pink and one purple ring.

    Weave one open pink ring through the lower purple and pink left hand rings and through the lower pink and purple right hand rings. Add the four closed rings in this colour order: pk, pp, pp, pk (left hand picture).

    Following the same pathway, link one purple ring in front of the pink ring and through the same four rings (right hand picture).

  3. Repeat step 2 to lengthen the chain.

  4. When deciding the required length, allow for an extra four rows and the toggle.

  5. You will now widen the strip. Close two pink and two purple rings and open one pink and one purple ring.

    Weave one open pink ring through the second and then first pair of purple and pink edge rings of your strip. Link the four closed rings in this colour order: pk, pp, pk, pp (left hand picture).

    Following the same pathway, link one purple ring in front of the pink ring and through the same four rings (right hand picture).

  6. Close one pink and one purple ring and open one pink and one purple ring.

    Weave one pink ring through the third pair of purple and pink edge rings of your strip, then second pair of edge rings of the strip, and through the last pair of pink and purple rings added. Add the two closed rings in this colour order: pk, pp (left hand picture).

    Following the same pathway, link one purple ring in front of the pink ring (right hand picture).

    Repeat along the length of the chain.

  7. In steps 7 and 8, you will be finishing off each end of the cuff and attaching the clasp.

    Open three pink and three purple rings.

    Note the orientation of the rings on your chain and ensure that it is the same as below. Weave one pink ring through the first and second end pair of rings as shown. Repeat, weaving through the second and third end rings with a second pink ring. Following the same pathways as the pink rings just added, link one purple ring each time so that it sits on top of each of the pink rings (left hand picture).

    Weave one pink ring through the last two pairs of pink and purple rings just added. Following the same pathway, link one purple ring beneath the pink ring just added (centre picture).

    Using one silver clasp ring, link the toggle bar (right hand picture).

  8. Open three pink and three purple rings.

    Note the orientation of the rings at the other end of your chain differs to step 7 and ensure that it is the same as below. Weave one purple ring through the first and second end pair of rings as shown. Repeat, weaving through the second and third end rings with a second purple ring. Following the same pathways as the purple rings just added, link one pink ring each time so that it sits beneath each of the purple rings (left hand picture).

    Weave one purple ring through the last two pairs of pink and purple rings just added. Following the same pathway, link one pink ring on top of the purple ring just added (centre picture).

    Using one silver clasp ring, link the toggle ring.


  • Use matt silver (white) or champagne and a pastel coloured ring for a softly coloured cuff.
  • Black with silver, gold or champagne gives a neutral colour scheme that can be worn with many outfits.
  • Try two bright colours for a summery look: red and orange or lime green and orange.

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©2021 Sarah Austin. All rights reserved.
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