New members to the Dragonscale family tree


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New Member
Hi everybody,

I've been making a Maillepedia of my own which I can physically hold & feel by making patches of every pattern/weave I like the look of from online sites, and amongst all these patches, I've focussed lots of attention towards the Dragonscale family tree; I recently posted some photos of the patches pertaining to this family tree, & while I didn't have enough material to make patches of members of this family tree (eg. Dragon Slants), once I've acquired more material, I'll also post photos of them too. While making the patches I currently have, & exploring the Dragonscale family tree, I discovered several variants (by my definition) of what can be found online, & while searching to see if they've already been invented/thought of, I couldn't find anything, making me wonder if I've invented some new patterns/weaves pertaining to the Dragonscale family tree. The new patterns/weaves I haven't yet made include Caraxes' Bloodlust (a.k.a. Vermithor's Fury 6 in 1), & Treasurewyrm (a.k.a. Scatha's Scourge 6 in 1); Treasurewyrm is meant to be a reference to Smaug from Tolkien's Hobbit novels BTW.
I'd like to know if anyone's already thought of these patterns/weaves, & what y'all think of the names I've give said patterns/weaves.

Here's the links/embeds for the patch photos:



New Member
New Member
Yo this is cool as heck! Love the idea of keeping a physical library of weaves you like :) Very excellent work 👏 Keep it up!
Thanks for your thoughts on my idea of making a Maillepedia of patches I can physically hold :) My intention behind it is to allow a quicker way of making more of a selected pattern/weave, either by #1) quick expansion of the selected sample patch & removal of the fresh rings from the sample patch (thereby creating a new patch that will serve as the start of the project in mind), or #2), as an easier alternative to the "keen observation of photos & renders" method I've often had to employ while making my physical Maillepedia, wherein a selected patch I can physically hold provides different angles to view different parts of a selected pattern/weave that a photo or render found online couldn't provide.

Given this thread/post is partly meant to introduce my inventions to other maillers, & partly to answer some questions I have concerning them; the following few are some of what I hope to have answered by you & others:
  1. Of my inventions that've thus far been made into patches, what's your favourite pattern/weave?
  2. What're your thoughts on the names I've given my inventions (incl. those yet to be made), the etymology behind them, & which name do you like best?
  3. If you were to use any of my inventions for any projects, what'd you choose, & what'd you make?
  4. Do you intend on adopting my "Maillepedia/library you can physically touch" idea, & if so, would you likewise dedicate a section specifically to the Dragonscale family tree, & feature my inventions in said section?
  5. If you were to make items that feature any of my inventions to sell, would you make a reference to it's name, this website, & who it's inventor is? I ask coz it'd help in the following: bring more people to this site, introduce the world to my inventions, & determine whether anyone else thought of any of 'em before me, or if I'm the 1st to dream 'em up (the competitive side of me hopes I'm the 1st).
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New Member
New Member
Ok so, full disclosure, I've been making simple mailles for about a decade but I'm still very much a novice so some of my answers might not be quite as in depth or knowledgeable as you're probably looking for but I'll do my best :)

1. Of my inventions that've thus far been made into patches, what's your favourite pattern/weave?
I spent a bunch of time looking at all the pictures you posted and I think I have to say that Balerion's Dread is probably my favourite. I like that the kinged rings are the bulk of the weave, it looks very strong and is aesthetically pleasing. You can tell that it's part of (or in this case a variant on) the Dragonscale family. The weave looks tight, is it very rigid as well or does it still have some flexibility? A close runner up would be Catastrophe Strikes, as it lays really flat and smooth while maintaining that scaley quality.
2. What're your thoughts on the names I've given my inventions (incl. those yet to be made), the etymology behind them, & which name do you like best?
I like the names in a general sense, Fafnir's Last Stand is pretty dope, unfortunately most of the references are lost on me as I'm not really familiar with Norse or Germanic folklore, literature, culture, etc. But they definitely fit the vibe of the maille itself. I think if it does turn out that some or all of your variants are new, that when you document/register them you include the original name that your variant is based on like you've done with your personal tags to make it more likely that people will come across them when searching for weaves in that section of the Dragonscale family (maybe that's standard practice but I don't really know). Also higher resolution pics! If possible :)
3. If you were to use any of my inventions for any projects, what'd you choose, & what'd you make?
I think most of these weaves are beyond my skill at the moment unfortunately but with detailed pics and instructions (and proper materials as I have only ever worked with a single ring size, 16g swg 5\16" ID 5.2AR stainless steel and anodized aluminum specifically) I'm sure I could figure it out eventually. But those things aside if I were to use one of your variants for a project I would likely make a bra-type clothing item out of Catastrophe Strikes, it looks lighter and more open than some of the other weaves but it wouldn't be so open as to reveal anything the wearer wouldn't want seen. I've made a couple pieces of clothing for friends (who are an eclectic bunch to be sure) and something else I would want to do would be to remake a jockstrap using your Ice Dragon's Helm sheet. I think it would work remarkably well for what I would've wanted to do originally had I the means. Balerion's Dread or Scatha's Scourge would make excellent vests as well, I'd make one for me and a tiny one for my cat XD
4. Do you intend on adopting my "Maillepedia/library you can physically touch" idea, & if so, would you likewise dedicate a section specifically to the Dragonscale family tree, & feature my inventions in said section?
In a way I do have a small maille library to use when I want to remake chains and things I've done before. One of my favourites that I've been able to do is from the Dragonscale family as well I think, Dragonback it's called. But I have small "tails" of chains to help start or remember the different weaves I can do. Candy Cane Cord, for example, is super annoying to start and having an old tail to work from really helps. I think it's not an uncommon practice fo maillers to keep tails and scraps of weave for reference but as to how extensive or well catalogued those collections are, I couldn't say. As I become more skilled (hopefully) and my repertoire of weaves grows I think your system of tagging and labelling all your examples is an excellent idea and something I would certainly want to do just to keep track of it all. And I love the Dragonscale family of weaves, they're so smooth and I think fit very well into what I'd want a chain shirt or something similar to look like so I'd want to include them (and yours) in my library for sure.
5. If you were to make items that feature any of my inventions to sell, would you make a reference to it's name, this website, & who it's inventor is? I ask coz it'd help in the following: bring more people to this site, introduce the world to my inventions, & determine whether anyone else thought of any of 'em before me, or if I'm the 1st to dream 'em up (the competitive side of me hopes I'm the 1st).
Personally, I'm a give credit where credit is due kind of guy so I would certainly want to make sure the original creator of whatever weave I'm using is known where possible. One caveat for me would be that I do think that type of credit would be more useful when posting creations on forums like this one where other maillers might be interested in/seek out information like that as opposed to a general non-mailling customer base, which isn't to say I would be opposed to making that information available to the public on a page where I was selling my projects or custom orders and/or to otherwise direct anyone to you and your page(s) who inquired about the weave or professed a desire make their own creation using it, should it turn out that you are in fact the originator of these particular variants. Which I hope is the case as that would be super cool for you and for the community in general :D

I think that answers all your questions as far as I'm capable of answering them. I hope that helps and that some more people jump in to the conversation and offer their opinions and possible expertise as well :D


New Member
New Member
Ok so, full disclosure, I've been making simple mailles for about a decade but I'm still very much a novice so some of my answers might not be quite as in depth or knowledgeable as you're probably looking for but I'll do my best :)

I spent a bunch of time looking at all the pictures you posted and I think I have to say that Balerion's Dread is probably my favourite. I like that the kinged rings are the bulk of the weave, it looks very strong and is aesthetically pleasing. You can tell that it's part of (or in this case a variant on) the Dragonscale family. The weave looks tight, is it very rigid as well or does it still have some flexibility? A close runner up would be Catastrophe Strikes, as it lays really flat and smooth while maintaining that scaley quality.

I like the names in a general sense, Fafnir's Last Stand is pretty dope, unfortunately most of the references are lost on me as I'm not really familiar with Norse or Germanic folklore, literature, culture, etc. But they definitely fit the vibe of the maille itself. I think if it does turn out that some or all of your variants are new, that when you document/register them you include the original name that your variant is based on like you've done with your personal tags to make it more likely that people will come across them when searching for weaves in that section of the Dragonscale family (maybe that's standard practice but I don't really know). Also higher resolution pics! If possible :)

I think most of these weaves are beyond my skill at the moment unfortunately but with detailed pics and instructions (and proper materials as I have only ever worked with a single ring size, 16g swg 5\16" ID 5.2AR stainless steel and anodized aluminum specifically) I'm sure I could figure it out eventually. But those things aside if I were to use one of your variants for a project I would likely make a bra-type clothing item out of Catastrophe Strikes, it looks lighter and more open than some of the other weaves but it wouldn't be so open as to reveal anything the wearer wouldn't want seen. I've made a couple pieces of clothing for friends (who are an eclectic bunch to be sure) and something else I would want to do would be to remake a jockstrap using your Ice Dragon's Helm sheet. I think it would work remarkably well for what I would've wanted to do originally had I the means. Balerion's Dread or Scatha's Scourge would make excellent vests as well, I'd make one for me and a tiny one for my cat XD

In a way I do have a small maille library to use when I want to remake chains and things I've done before. One of my favourites that I've been able to do is from the Dragonscale family as well I think, Dragonback it's called. But I have small "tails" of chains to help start or remember the different weaves I can do. Candy Cane Cord, for example, is super annoying to start and having an old tail to work from really helps. I think it's not an uncommon practice fo maillers to keep tails and scraps of weave for reference but as to how extensive or well catalogued those collections are, I couldn't say. As I become more skilled (hopefully) and my repertoire of weaves grows I think your system of tagging and labelling all your examples is an excellent idea and something I would certainly want to do just to keep track of it all. And I love the Dragonscale family of weaves, they're so smooth and I think fit very well into what I'd want a chain shirt or something similar to look like so I'd want to include them (and yours) in my library for sure.

Personally, I'm a give credit where credit is due kind of guy so I would certainly want to make sure the original creator of whatever weave I'm using is known where possible. One caveat for me would be that I do think that type of credit would be more useful when posting creations on forums like this one where other maillers might be interested in/seek out information like that as opposed to a general non-mailling customer base, which isn't to say I would be opposed to making that information available to the public on a page where I was selling my projects or custom orders and/or to otherwise direct anyone to you and your page(s) who inquired about the weave or professed a desire make their own creation using it, should it turn out that you are in fact the originator of these particular variants. Which I hope is the case as that would be super cool for you and for the community in general :D

I think that answers all your questions as far as I'm capable of answering them. I hope that helps and that some more people jump in to the conversation and offer their opinions and possible expertise as well :D

Ok so, full disclosure, I've been making simple mailles for about a decade but I'm still very much a novice so some of my answers might not be quite as in depth or knowledgeable as you're probably looking for but I'll do my best :)

I spent a bunch of time looking at all the pictures you posted and I think I have to say that Balerion's Dread is probably my favourite. I like that the kinged rings are the bulk of the weave, it looks very strong and is aesthetically pleasing. You can tell that it's part of (or in this case a variant on) the Dragonscale family. The weave looks tight, is it very rigid as well or does it still have some flexibility? A close runner up would be Catastrophe Strikes, as it lays really flat and smooth while maintaining that scaley quality.

I like the names in a general sense, Fafnir's Last Stand is pretty dope, unfortunately most of the references are lost on me as I'm not really familiar with Norse or Germanic folklore, literature, culture, etc. But they definitely fit the vibe of the maille itself. I think if it does turn out that some or all of your variants are new, that when you document/register them you include the original name that your variant is based on like you've done with your personal tags to make it more likely that people will come across them when searching for weaves in that section of the Dragonscale family (maybe that's standard practice but I don't really know). Also higher resolution pics! If possible :)

I think most of these weaves are beyond my skill at the moment unfortunately but with detailed pics and instructions (and proper materials as I have only ever worked with a single ring size, 16g swg 5\16" ID 5.2AR stainless steel and anodized aluminum specifically) I'm sure I could figure it out eventually. But those things aside if I were to use one of your variants for a project I would likely make a bra-type clothing item out of Catastrophe Strikes, it looks lighter and more open than some of the other weaves but it wouldn't be so open as to reveal anything the wearer wouldn't want seen. I've made a couple pieces of clothing for friends (who are an eclectic bunch to be sure) and something else I would want to do would be to remake a jockstrap using your Ice Dragon's Helm sheet. I think it would work remarkably well for what I would've wanted to do originally had I the means. Balerion's Dread or Scatha's Scourge would make excellent vests as well, I'd make one for me and a tiny one for my cat XD

In a way I do have a small maille library to use when I want to remake chains and things I've done before. One of my favourites that I've been able to do is from the Dragonscale family as well I think, Dragonback it's called. But I have small "tails" of chains to help start or remember the different weaves I can do. Candy Cane Cord, for example, is super annoying to start and having an old tail to work from really helps. I think it's not an uncommon practice fo maillers to keep tails and scraps of weave for reference but as to how extensive or well catalogued those collections are, I couldn't say. As I become more skilled (hopefully) and my repertoire of weaves grows I think your system of tagging and labelling all your examples is an excellent idea and something I would certainly want to do just to keep track of it all. And I love the Dragonscale family of weaves, they're so smooth and I think fit very well into what I'd want a chain shirt or something similar to look like so I'd want to include them (and yours) in my library for sure.

Personally, I'm a give credit where credit is due kind of guy so I would certainly want to make sure the original creator of whatever weave I'm using is known where possible. One caveat for me would be that I do think that type of credit would be more useful when posting creations on forums like this one where other maillers might be interested in/seek out information like that as opposed to a general non-mailling customer base, which isn't to say I would be opposed to making that information available to the public on a page where I was selling my projects or custom orders and/or to otherwise direct anyone to you and your page(s) who inquired about the weave or professed a desire make their own creation using it, should it turn out that you are in fact the originator of these particular variants. Which I hope is the case as that would be super cool for you and for the community in general :D

I think that answers all your questions as far as I'm capable of answering them. I hope that helps and that some more people jump in to the conversation and offer their opinions and possible expertise as well :D
Thanks for the feedback embedded in your answers, it helps a lot!;)

To answer your question about Balerion's Dread, it's actually quite flexible both when bent longitudinally (lateral rows of "scale" rings are flexed on sample patch), & laterally (longitudinal columns of "scale" rings are flexed on sample patch); I've noted that all variants pertaining to the Affena 4 in 1 branch of the Dragonscale family tree (including their "anti" counterparts, as in Catastrophe Strikes! & it's variants) have good flexibility, with Affena 4 in 1 having the most. When comparing the flexibility of any of the Affenas with their "anti" counterparts, I've noted that the Affenas are more flexible e.g. Balerion's Dread & it's "anti", Ancalagon's Wrath have roughly the same flexibility, though I think Ancalagon's Wrath might be a fraction less flexible (I suspect this is due to their "anti" counterparts using 3 ring sizes & AR's, I expect this "behaviour" pattern to repeat when I get the rings in the needed sizes & AR's to make my remaining inventions pertaining to this branch of the family tree, the Affena, Treasurewyrm, & it's "anti" counterpart, Caraxes' Bloodlust).

Regarding your answer to my 2nd question, I went with names that were centered around the fire breathing reptiles borne of mythology & frequently found in modern media, or at least around the definition of "dragon" & other words pertaining to the different forms of the mythical creatures, e.g drake & wyrm, which eventually distills down to serpent/serpentine/serpent-like (so far only Fáfnir's Last Stand & it's twin, Sigurð's Armour are names centered on mythology, whereas Balerion's Dread, Scatha's Scourge, Treasurewyrm, Ancalagon's Wrath, Vermithor's Fury, Caraxes' Bloodlust, the Dracarys name alternative for my Dragonfire pattern/weave, & Dragon Sickness are all direct references to the dragons in J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle Earth & G.R.R. Martin's Game of Thrones universes, Catastrophe Strikes! is a name meant to reference a dragon that might be in Martin's Game of Thrones universe, Ophidian Scale is meant to be both a reference to the scientific Clade for snakes & their >serpentine/serpent-like< extinct kin, & to the DC Comics Orange Lantern Corp snake-like entity of avarice/greed called Ophidian, & Dracosis, which is a more scientific name of Dragon Sickness, both of which are a direct reference to the dragons in Tolkien's Middle Earth universe, & some of the mythology that inspired Tolkien's Smaug the dragon & Gollum characters - the story of Fáfnir & Sigurð). I tried to explain the etymology behind the names of my inventions in the descriptions of each photo I posted to the patches part of the media gallery, along with the ring sizes I used for the patches; if you viewed the photos only featured on this thread, then you missed my attempt at explaining of the etymology in the description of the photos, with that in mind, have you only seen the photos on this thread? If so, check out the patches part of the media gallery, as this could help you give a more detailed answer to my 2nd question.

Regarding your answer to my 3rd question, I likewise work primarily with uniform ring size & AR patterns/weaves; when beginning my Dragonscale family tree I started with #1) a completely non-ring booze can pop-tab pattern/weave that can be found on Pinterest which has a "scaled" appearance, wherein the "scales" appear to come out of each other & the pop-tabs serve as the connector & scale "rings" simultaneously, & the "handle" area of the pop-tab that's held while opening the booze can is cut in the middle for connection purposes, bent at the "bridge area" in the middle of the pop-tab, & the cut "handle area is connected to two others in the next row at the bottom half of the tab which originally has a rivet connection to the booze cans (I'm not sure what it's called, but I call it the "Drunk Dragon", and call a different "scaled" pop-tab pattern/weave that uses rings as connectors which I >think< I invented "Whiskey Wyrm" - I intend on posting photos of them on the patches part of the media gallery BTW), & #2) Interwoven EU 4 in 1 Dragonscale, which is among the patches I posted photos of in the patches part of the media gallery. Intriguing projects in mind! I have a similar wearable art idea: making removable upper arm & lower arm half-sleeves, & removable backpieces for the outside of leather jackets (regardless of if the chosen pattern/weave pertains to the Dragonscale family tree or not, or if it features multiple patterns/weave in the same project or not). Given I also do woodturning, I hope to apply my inventions to my projects via cross-discipline craft, like a bedside lamp featuring Balerion's Dread for all or part of the lampshade. If you do go through with making the items you described, I'd be keen to see photos of 'em. That part about the Ice Dragon's Helm Sheet, was that meant to instead be Ophidian Scale, or be as you said, Ice Dragon's Helm Sheet (despite it not being mine)?

Regarding your answer to my 4th question, I suspect you're right about most maillers having some kinda library consisting of patches &/or scraps of their favourite patterns/weaves, though the full extent of how extensive theirs may be is unknown.

Your answer in my 5th question makes a fair point on how to let people know about my inventions & therefore get credit for dreaming 'em up, & it helps to know you're the "credit when/where it's due" kinda guy.

Your answers helped alot, thanks! :)