Knotted Mobius


Established Member
Established Member
I have a question about the weave that was posted as Knotted Mobius is this weave not called fourever weave?

If they are not the same weave can you point me in the direction of the knotted mobius.

Thanks in Advanced


Staff member
Beta Tester
I'm going to assume that you're talking about the second weave described in the Beadsisters' "Mobius Knots" tutorial. There are many tutorials (and weaves) out there that are titled/named differently than what the weave may be known to you as. While it can be confusing to maillers, there could be any number of reasons for this, from creative license of the tutorial writer to the weave being known by a different name in that geographic location. One person's "Byzantine" can be another person's "Birdcage" or "Etruscan". This is a common problem in many of the tutorial books out there as well, although in those, copyright concerns may be the reason for changing the name.

TL;DR - Yes, the Knotted Mobius in the Beadsisters' tutorial linked above is the same as one of the variations of the Fourever chain attributed to @ZiLi on the Maille Artisans site