Who's Behind The Computer?


New Member
Hello, my name is Kathy. I AM a chainmaille addict. I have been an addict for a few years now. I started doing Maille as a diet plan. I figured if I had pliers in my hands, I couldn't have snacks in them. Lol well, it worked long enough to turn me into an addict. Unfortunately, the diet plan didn't pan out as well as I had hoped. I work mainly with aluminum, as I have arthritis in both hands. I have done some jewelry in stainless, but I can't do much at once. I just recently started selling my jewelry in an art gallery where it is doing relatively well. My biggest fear is that my arthritis robs me of my ability to continue with my addiction. I look forward to being a member and reaping the benefits of being so.

I really like aluminum too. And that's awesome on selling your art, as well!!


New Member
Hello. I love shinny things, so it was only a matter of time before I found chainmaille. I began bead weaving about 12 years ago. About 4 years ago I was introduced to chainmaille at a bead retreat. I'm always looking to learn. And I enjoy introducing new people to the fun.

Victoria Sol

New Member
Hellooo! I'm Victoria, been mailling for a little over two years, Coffee addict, crazy cat lady in training and a tad eccentric. <.<

I only just realised my account had been activated (apparently it happened 15 hours ago - oops!) so here I am! Now to figure out how to make a profile picture happen... :)

Sharyn Hamilton

Established Member
Established Member
Hi All! I'm Sharyn. I still consider myself a relative newbie to mailling, but I love it. I started crafting in law school with beaded cross-stitch, did at least one craft show a year, and had a mediation practice for several years, which I put on hiatus when our son was born. (Well, I mediated between him and the cats...) Now that he's a teenager, I can't see putting myself back into other people's conflicts every day (the teenager is, thankfully, not much of a conflict generator -- knock wood,) so I'm trying to get the creative side of my life going again. I write periodically for Cakewrecks.com.

I started mailling with an inexpensive kit from Amazon, and stumbled across Chained by Rebeca Mojica while I was trying to find supplies, which led me to Blue Buddha Boutique. The rest is history -- and an increasing storage challenge. I'm looking forward to getting to know this site and its members.


New Member
I'm Gwen. Victoria BC Canada. Still a very basic chain mailler with few weaves in my repertoire. So happy to have joined these groups for inspiration and support. I've been doing geek conventions for 5 years and I'm hoping to expand into more general markets. Thanks for having me.
Hey guys! I am Ashley and I was first introduced to chainmail at the Colorado Renaissance Festival many years ago. About 2 years ago I moved to Saskatoon and discovered the amazing Metal Designz here in town. I took some classes and fell in love! Now I work there part time and basically my entire paycheck goes towards funding my chainmail addiction :p


New Member
Hello everyone. My name is Jamie and I have been crafting Chainmaille for about 2 years now. I find working with the rings very soothing. Right now my favorite thing to make is scalemaille flowers. I love working with anodized alumium in bright colors.


New Member
Hello All,

Welcome to Chainmaillers.com. Please take a moment to introduce yourself. Let us know who you are and what brings you here, maybe post a picture of yourself and show us what you look like.

We hope you find what you're looking for and enjoy your stay with us. :)


The Chainmaillers.com Team

Hi folks!

I've been creating jewelry off and on since 2010, and just this year decided to be serious about making a business out of it. I'm always looking for resources that will help me improve my technique, and enjoy talking with creative people!

And sorry, I don't have a picture of myself :(


New Member
Hi all!

I've been working with chainmaille for about 3 years. I'm looking forward to talking and working with other maillers from around the world! :):D

Mollie Zauner

New Member
New Member
Hi! My name is Mollie. I have been making chain maille for close to 15 years and I absolutely love it! My goal is to learn and do as many different types of chain maille as I can. My first chain maille classes were with local teachers, but I have also taken classes from Ann Mitchell and Rebeca Mojica, who are both great! I love to experiment with different metals and beads and create my own weaves when I can. I'm looking forward to being a member!


New Member
Hi - I'm Tracey. I live in Delaware and will travel near and far to take classes from favorite instructors - even though most of the time I'm already familiar with the weave. I just love to hear other peoples tips and tricks! But I started making chainmaille about 9-10 years ago and I knew I'd found my craft. I could spend as much time cruising the inter-webs looking at other peoples creations as I would making my own pieces. If you live near/around Delaware or Philly give me a shout - I'd love to have a group meet someplace to maille together.


New Member
Hello All,

Welcome to Chainmaillers.com. Please take a moment to introduce yourself. Let us know who you are and what brings you here, maybe post a picture of yourself and show us what you look like.

We hope you find what you're looking for and enjoy your stay with us. :)


The Chainmaillers.com Team
Hi all. I'm Staci. Been doing chainmaille for about a year, still love it. I have a multitude of crafts I do, but chainmaille seems to be my favorite. Currently I live in Oklahoma, but I'm hoping to end up on a beach somewhere.


New Member
My name is Sue and I love making chainmaille. I have a horribly stressful job and I find mailling very calming and makes me happy and able to escape the stress of my life whenever I can find the time to do it.


New Member
Hello all, my name is Helen and I live in the UK. I have been a crafter for years, making jewellery for a few years and have only just got into chainmaille very recently (a couple of months ago). My best friend passed away suddenly at the end of last year, and I inherited her bead and jump ring stash (she loved chainmaille). She tried to teach me once, but I was not a good student, far too impatient. However, I am using her stash to try to learn chainmaille in her memory. I would love to be able to improve my skills so I can combine chainmaille with gemstones (one of my loves).

Looking forward to chatting to you all and learning lots. :)


New Member
Hi! I'm Audra. I haven't been maillling very long, just enough to have completely taken over my former office. :rolleyes: Got into maille after I started destroying pistol shell casings to make flower shapes. How that moves to chainmaille, not sure and won't complain about it. I have a small Etsy site that provides no real income, so I also have a day job working in budget stuff.


New Member
Hi my name is Becca I have actually just discovered that Have a creative side and I'm fairly new to chainmaille been makin a few things here and there for a year maybe. Made mostly things for friends and gifts I love it.

When I'm not makin chain I mess in my garden and take care of my family.
I would eventually like to start sellin stuff and maybe even build a business good enough to stop workin and make stuff all the time!

Karen Snyder

New Member
Hi! I'm Karen and I've been mailling for about 15 years. I love working with various metals, although I'm still working on my stainless skills. I also wire-wrap and metal-smith and I love working out ways to hybridize both disciplines with maille. My two kiddos are the best work I've ever done and they inspire me every day.